AUSTIN ⎯ The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) will hold public hearings at three locations throughout the state to give the public an opportunity to provide feedback on the administration of the state’s subsidized child care program and the draft Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) 2016-2018 State Plan. TWC welcomes input on all aspects of the state’s subsidized child care system including:
- the delivery of subsidized child care services
- alignment of early education programs
- quality initiatives and standards, including Texas Rising Star
- other topics central to early childhood education
View TWC’s CCDF 2016 – 2018 State Plan no posted on the TWC Commission Rules Web page.
Written comments may be submitted by no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2015 and may be:
- emailed to TWCPolicyComments@twc.state.
tx.u - faxed to 512-475-357
- mailed to TWC Policy Comments, Workforce Programs Policy, 101 E. 15th St., Rm 440T, Austin, Texas 78778
December 3, 2015 (Thursday)
McAllen 1 pm – 3 pm Workforce Corporate Office
3101 W Business 83
Mesquite Room
McAllen, Texas 78501
December 8, 2015 (Tuesday)
Austin 10 am – 12 pm Texas Workforce Commission Main Building
101 E. 15th St.
Room 244
Austin, Texas 78778-0001
December 16, 2015 (Wednesday)
Dallas 1 pm – 3 pm Southwest Workforce Center
7330 S. Westmoreland, Suite 200
Classroom N
Dallas, TX 75237
People with disabilities who plan to attend the hearings and may need auxiliary aids, services or special accommodations should contact Kim Bergmann at 512-463-7903 at least two working days prior to the meeting.
The Texas Workforce Commission is a state agency dedicated to helping Texas employers, workers and communities prosper economically. For details on TWC and the services it offers in coordination with its network of local workforce development boards, call 512-463-8942 or visit www.texasworkforce.org. To receive notifications about TWC programs and services subscribe to our email updates.