Thursday, July 18, 2024

West Dallas residents plan to fight relocation of Argos Plant

dallas picRonnie Mestas, President of the West Dallas One, a coalition of West Dallas neighborhood associations has announced plans for forum to discuss concerns regarding their concerns related to potential relocation of the Argos Plant to their community. The forum is scheduled for this evening at 6:15 p.m. at the El Centro College – West Campus located at 3330 N. Hampton Road.

The Dallas City Council recently voted 8 to 6, to relocate the plant into the heart of West Dallas. A proposal the West Dallas residents reject saying they consider this a bad decision.

“We have invited representatives of the Argos Plant to explain their plans to the West Dallas residents and supporters.  The Coalition we have organized is made up of several local, state, and national organizations that continue to collect signatures on petitions against the relocation of this cement plant in central West Dallas adjacent to our schools, neighborhoods, parks and churches,” according to Mestas.

“The Coalition Against the Relocation of the Argos Cement Plant is conducting a community forum to inform the residents on the issue to include elected officials and environmental experts familiar with the continuous contamination issues endured for decades,” continued Frances Rizo, co-chair of the Coalition and Chairman of the Dallas County Tejano Democrats.

The West Dallas residents resent the City Council vote without adequate input and participation.  Argos is expected to respond to questions and to explain why they are moving against the community, in an area where they are not wanted.



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