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People in the News

Sunday, January 12, 2025

TOP wants DISD to include community schools in new budget

DISD-Logo-300The following is a statement from Chastity Masters, a parent leader for the Texas Organizing Project (TOP), on why DISD must include funding for community schools in their upcoming budget, and why TOP members will voice their support for community schools at today’s DISD budget meeting at 6 p.m. at Dade Middle School:

“Dallas ISD can continue down its current path and lose millions more in state funding due to dropping student enrollment, or it can stop these losses by converting its struggling schools into community schools. In order to make this happen, the district needs to allocate appropriate funds for community schools in its next budget. That’s why we are calling on our School Board to include $450,000 in the 2016-2017 DISD budget to pilot the community school model at three campuses.

“Community schools allow parents, teachers, students and community partners to take shared responsibility in improving campuses. They combine academics, health and social services, and community engagement to improve student learning and revitalize neighborhoods. The sustainable community school model is a proven way to significantly increase enrollment, doubling on many campuses.

“My child and every child in DISD deserves to attend a thriving school. And if the district doesn’t provide that, we too will be forced to go elsewhere. Community schools are the solution DISD needs to curb enrollment losses to charter and private schools, and bring students back.”


  1. Any investment in a move toward a true community school will be the best money DISD spends. Parents will be more involved. They can help direct the many connections any community school needs to bring the resources needed together. The involvement will help parents and community focus on the future of the children that are the focus of the schools.

    The more parents can put their dreams for their children into writing the more successful a school will be. The more students can focus on their own future in the same manner, the more success a school will have.

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