Thursday, July 18, 2024

Of course the National Enquirer is a part of GOP presidential race

national enquirer coverIn a sign of how far the 2016 Race for the White House has sunken on the GOP side of things, we now have a story from the National Enquirer in the headlines. Should we really be surprised given the recent “hand size” scuffle featured at a GOP debate between front runner (how said is it to say those words!) Donald Trump and former candidate Mark Rubio?

This week’s edition of the National Enquirer alleges Texas Senator Ted Cruz has had at least five extra marital affairs. An accusation he took to Facebook to deny:

National Enquirer Claims Ted Cruz Had Affairs NYMag








Of course, Trump is denying the accusation of involvement in the released statement below:

“I have no idea whether or not the cover story about Ted Cruz in this week’s issue of the National Enquirer is true or not, but I had absolutely nothing to do with it, did not know about it, and have not, as yet, read it. Likewise, I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer and unlike Lyin’ Ted Cruz I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchman and then pretend total innocence. Ted Cruz’s problem with the National Enquirer is his and his alone, and while they were right about O.J. Simpson, John Edwards, and many others, I certainly hope they are not right about Lyin’ Ted Cruz. I look forward to spending the week in Wisconsin, winning the Republican nomination and ultimately the Presidency in order to Make America Great Again.”

Sounds good, but isn’t this the same man that was threatening to reveal the truth about his opponents wife earlier this week.

So let’s take a poll Who do you believe:

A. National Enquirer after all they were right about John Edwards?

B. Ted Cruz, why he would never cheat on his wife!

C. Donald Trump he is ethical to stoop to being involved in something like this?

D. Could care less!



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