Tyanna Lott,
Sister Tarpley’s first grandchild and only granddaughter, is a junior at Hebron High School with plans to attend University of Texas in Austin, Texas
By Sister Trapley Religious Editor
“And he sent a man before them – Joseph, sold as a slave.” – Psalm 105:17
God is doing a unique work around the world today. He is rising up Josephs throughout the world. Some are still in the “pit” stage of their pilgrimage, while others are heading toward fruitfulness.
What does it take for a person to become a true Joseph? It takes years of preparation and testing to be, “A True Joseph.” It takes what God is allowed to use. Read the Story of Joseph in Genesis, Chapters 38 through 46.
A true Joseph is one who is a provider both spiritually and materially for those in the Body of Christ. It is a person who understands that he is simply a manager of all that God has entrusted to him.
It is a person who has humility and a broken and contrite heart before God. But, how does God prepare modern-day Josephs?
Modern-day Josephs are prepared through their own trials. It is often through the adversities of life, visions, relationships and broken dreams.
These are the things that try people the most. These are the things God uses to allow the Josephs of our day to be proven by the Word of the Lord. Once proven, God brings them out of their prisons and uses them mightily for His purposes.
Joseph went through his own trials – not because of any failure, but because of an incredible calling: to save and provide for an entire nation.
God had to prepare this man with 13 years of broken dreams and humble circumstances in order to break every ounce of pride and self-will.
God could not afford to have a 30-year-old steeped in arrogance and pride running an entire nation.
The story of Joseph came to mind when my granddaughter Tyanna finally decided, after many urgings from her mom Sheila and others, to seriously consider taking a week of her summer to travel to Honduras on a church mission.
When Tyanna was a baby it was prophesized that she would do a great work for God. When she was in primary and elementary schools she learned Spanish.
And, at Hebron High School she is perfecting her Spanish and taking other courses to prepare her for college and beyond.
This summer God is given Tyanna the privilege, honor and opportunity of joining her church, Freedom Life Church in Carrollton, Lead Pastor Kendall Bridges, the mission’s team trip to Honduras in the Kid’s Ark International program.
It is my belief that Tyanna is in the path that God is preparing for her to do a work for Him in the future.
Tyanna’s first trial, on Monday, April 11th, she was broadsided on the driver’s, side, she said that a big man snatched opened the door that was stuck and three ladies hugged her when she got out of the car and told her that every will be okay.
There was a policeman nearby who saw the accident; when Tyanna completed her talk with him she looked around to thank the man and three ladies and couldn’t find them. God protected her and her Jeep in that accident.
When Tyanna called her mom, Shelia, to tell her about the accident, she told her that approximately 30 minutes prior to the accident that God had given her the thought to pray for her. Tyanna didn’t get a scratch and her car could be driven. This is how my awesome God works!
Perhaps, Tyanna will meet other youth from different parts of the world that has a Joseph calling on their lives as well.
These youths will probably have humility of heart and a spirit unlike any others in our country. Each one will have his/her own Joseph story. Maybe it will change Tyanna’s life and her view of the world.
She might see firsthand a phenomenon that is going on throughout the world. I believe that God is rising up these youthful servants to prepare for a worldwide global harvest of souls by the awesome demonstration of God’s power working today and in the future.
In preparation for this mission trip Tyanna has setup a Go-Fund-Me page on Facebook to help. Please read her information and consider supporting her trip. Remember, it is only what you do for God’s work that will last throughout eternity.
Tyanna is willing to allow God to use her gifts and talents that He has so graciously given her for His eternal Kingdom.
Look for Tyanna Lott on Facebook and allow God to lead and guide you in this effort. I thank you and appreciation your consideration.