Sunday, June 30, 2024

As president Dr. Maryse Narcisse hopes to representation poor in Haiti

Dr. Maryse Narcisse
Dr. Maryse Narcisse

Dr. Maryse Narcisse of the popular Fanmi Lavalas Party is fighting to show that democracy still exists in Haiti. Like many, her candidacy is a second-time run post the 2015 presidential election plagued with electoral fraud. After an official recount, it was concluded that Dr. Narcisse had indeed won the 2015 election with 61% of the votes.

Her widely acknowledged political party, Fanmi Lavalas, vigorously represents Haiti’s poor. The return of the party is welcomed within Haiti as it had been excluded from previous elections post the second coup d’état of former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004. Dr. Narcisse hopes that this time; they are provided with a fair and free election.

With a Doctorate of Medicine from the State University of Haiti, Dr. Narcisse is also a longtime advocate for democracy, healthcare and education. The candidate boasts previous seats as the National Coordinator of the Executive Committee of the Organization Fanmi Lavalas, Board Member of the Aristide Foundation, and Public Health Consultant to date. With her vast experience and popularity in Haiti, Narcisse is the likely front-runner to win the 2016 election and become the 42nd president of Haiti. Her election into the position would be subsequent to Haiti’s former president, Michel Martelly whose term ended in political crisis from his governments Petro-Caribe embezzlement corruption charges, dubious business interest exposed in the leaked Panama Papers, to a failed electoral cycle marred

With her vast experience and popularity in Haiti, Narcisse is the likely front-runner to win the 2016 election and become the 42nd president of Haiti. Her election into the position would be subsequent to Haiti’s former president, Michel Martelly whose term ended in political crisis from his governments Petro-Caribe embezzlement corruption charges, dubious business interest exposed in the leaked Panama Papers, to a failed electoral cycle marred in corruption.

“When I am president I will open the government to all parties,” states Haiti presidential candidate Dr. Maryse Narcisse. “Problems of governance, hunger, environment and jobs can’t be solved with only one political party.”

Upon winning the presidential seat, Dr. Narcisse looks to enact “inclusive elections” to equally represent those of the wealthy and indigent communities in Haiti. She has been in the forefront of efforts to provide community-based health care and education to all Haitians. As a strong advocate for the creation of wealth, strengthening social justice, the law and environment, Dr. Narcisse intends to tackle the land problem in Haiti among other significant issues.

Methodically leading an effective campaign to aid her in the process of becoming the next president of Haiti is Dr. Maryse Narcisse’s Campaign Director and Senior Adviser, Leslie Voltaire, someone considered a qualified choice as his resume includes former presidential candidate, urban planner and former government liaison to the United Nations.

As a strong advocate for the creation of wealth, strengthening social justice, the law and environment, Dr. Narcisse intends to tackle the land problem in Haiti among other significant issues. Methodically leading an effective campaign to aid her in the process of becoming the next president of Haiti is Dr. Maryse Narcisse’s Campaign Director and Senior Adviser, Leslie Voltaire, an exceptionally qualified choice as his resume includes former presidential candidate, urban planner and former government liaison to the United Nations.

“This is not an electoral battle for simply who will be the next Head of State for Haiti” States Leslie Voltaire, Dr. Narcisse’s Presidential Campaign Director and Senior Adviser. “This is an election to decide the fate of Haiti’s future as a nation. A nation that respects the rule of law and that allows us to grow the country economically, socially, and agriculturally. We are fighting to instill the pillars of Democracy.”

Dr. Maryse Narcisse’s victory could mean a new beginning for Haiti with a jumpstart toward economic growth, agricultural innovations and efficiency of government regulations.



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