Sunday, June 30, 2024

“No More, No Mas, These Murders by Cops Have To Stop”

African Americans Killed by Police
African Americans Killed by Police
Letter to the Editor:

I am willing to die right now to help be a part of the solution to stop this rash of killings/murders of Black and Brown men  in this country by cops , the majority of which are White cops. No one person or one group of persons have all the answers as to how we stop this. There is one thing that I do know though: The ultimate answer is found in a realistic, public and profound response to the racism in America that is in our Police /Cops that has been recently unleashed all across America.

It makes me ask this question. In the time before there was instant video and over the years , how many Black and Brown American men have been killed/murdered  by mostly White cops without anyone knowing? I say mostly White cops because nowadays you got some Black and Brown cops who are worse in the treatment of Black and Brown men than the White cops and some of them have killed/murdered Black and Brown men.  

We all can elaborate on the problem and how we got here. To me, it is time for all people of good will and good faith to draw a line in the sand and say NO MORE! I believe there has to be massive and mass demonstrations in every city and community in America to send a message to cops and police departments all across America to say, ” We Are No Longer Going To Sit Idly And Allow Cops To Kill Our Black And Brown Men!

Anthony Bond, Irving


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