Sunday, June 30, 2024

Trump gloats as FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

Donald Trump issued the following statement upon the news the FBI is reopening their investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails:

“Hillary Clinton’s corruption is on a scale we have never seen before. We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office.

“I have great respect for the fact that the FBI and the DOJ are now willing to have the courage to right the horrible mistake that they made. This was a grave miscarriage of justice that the American people fully understand. It is everybody’s hope that it is about to be corrected.”

The New York Times reported:

“In a letter to Congress, the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said that emails had surfaced in an unrelated case, and that they ‘appear to be pertinent to the investigation.'”


  1. Why does the black community support Hellary when she strongly supports abortions on black women? Black women abort their unborn babies much more than any other race!

    Hellary is not a good role model to black girls and black women. She not only supports abortion, but she supports the gay lifestyle, and the gay agenda, which is to destroy the traditional family, which is the foundation of our nation.


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