Thursday, July 18, 2024

Who is the biggest loser on Day 1 of Trump era: Steve Harvey

By Ruth Ferguson, NDG Editor

You can make the argument that anyone who cares about civil rights, LGBT issues, and those who think the Founding Fathers believed in the right of Americans to protest, feels like the country took big steps backward when Donald Trump assumed power. But if there is a single individual who lost a great deal of credibility within hours of the new president’s administration it is undoubtedly Steve Harvey.

Havey met with the then President-Elect Trump at Trump Towers on Friday, Jan. 13 and the reaction of African Americans was swift. Referring to him as a “coon” and other derogatory names, the community spared no punches via social media. Given Harvey’s relationship with the Miss Universe, the international beauty pageant, which was owned by Trump until last fall, there was more than a hint he was financially motivated to take the meeting.

Speaking on Monday on his nationally syndicated radio show, Harvey attempted to explain his decision by saying

“I have an obligation to take a seat at the table when invited,” Harvey said. “Change can only happen if you sit at the table. If you’re not at the table you can’t even… suggest what we should be doing. Therefore, it was very important for me to take the meeting.”

There is some validity to his comments, but that did little to dampen the criticism and folks did not seem concerned that his feelings were hurt either. His bruised feelings likely went to a whole new level when he heard Hughley’s video rant pointing out how fake Trump’s desires is to reach out to the Black community if his decisions are to meet with a rapper, comedian and football players. Hughley said those are deliberate choices, reflecting how Trump really sees African Americans. My guess is any plans for another reunion of the Kings of Comedy is off the table.

Supposedly Harvey was invited to the table to discuss how he can work with Dr. Ben Carson, Trump’s nominee to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Reportedly getting the two men on the phone during the meeting so they can discuss the agency’s impact on the community.


Trump waste no time tipping his hand on HUD

So why is Havey the biggest loser on Day 1 of the Trump administration? Becuase the new president within an hour of being sworn in as president issued a retraction of HUD’s recent announced plans to cut the interest rate on mortgage insurance. Within the first HOUR. Should we assume that if Harvey was not at the table, the entire department would have been eliminated?

How can this not feel like a slap in the face to Harvey? He put his credibility on the line and paid a heavy price. While running the country is a big responsibility – Trump’s team had to be aware of how badly this meeting was seen for Harvey. In the end, they left Harvey hanging out to dry. Hopefully in the future when Black celebrities are invited to such meetings, they will step back and realize that while you may have achieved great things in your given arena – it does not mean you are qualified to sit at every table. I refrained from commenting earlier because I don’t agree with the suggestion African Americans should not attempt to work with Trump. Otherwise what makes us any different than the GOP over the last eight years.

Hopefully in the future when Black celebrities are invited to such meetings, they will step back and realize that while you may have achieved great things in your given arena – it does not mean you are qualified to sit at every table. I refrained from commenting earlier because I don’t agree with the suggestion African Americans should not attempt to work with Trump. Otherwise what makes us any different than the GOP over the last eight years?

However, if your celebrity status garners you an invite to the table:

  • go prepared – makes sure you understand what the agenda topic is going to be,
  • go surrounded by folks who can intelligently speak to the issues; do you think President Obama walked into a meeting with Britain or China not fully briefed by his staff? Stay in your lane if you don’t know the game; and
  • go prepared to shock them with your preparation and list outlining what you want before you agree to a PR stunt.

Do I think Harvey had anything but good intentions? No, I think he was sincere and can understand his position on being at the table. Havey has achieved a great deal and runs an impressive empire. However, like a lot of us likely would have – his ego prevented him from understanding he was in over his head. On the other hand, he had no excuse to let himself get played like that.

I know there is no “official” representative of Black people and I don’t suggest there should be. But both Obamas have been on Harvey’s radio show too often that he could not have picked up the phone and sought counsel from their respective staffs at least, before he walked into Trump Towers.

There is no point in demonizing Harvey, let’s just hope he – and other Black celebrities – learn and do better next time.



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