Thursday, July 18, 2024

Trump’s latest immigrant ban blocked by federal judge

Oh the irony!


Most likely by tomorrow morning, President Donald Trump will claim former President Barack Obama somehow had a hand in a federal judge from Hawaii blocking his latest attempt at issuing an immigrant ban. After all Trump did not trust Hawaii documentation that Obama was born in the United States, he is not likely to believe this judge had the authority to issue an order dismissing his second try and making sure immigrants do not feel welcome in visiting the U.S.

Tonight a nationwide order blocking President Trump’s ban on travel from parts of the Muslim world, dealing a political blow to the White House and signaling that proponents of the ban face a long and risky legal battle ahead.

The ruling was the second frustrating defeat for the travel ban, after a federal court in Seattle halted an earlier version of the executive order last month. Trump responded with fury, lashing out at the judiciary before ultimately abandoning the order last month.

He issued a new and narrower travel ban on March 6, with the aim of pre-empting new lawsuits by abandoning some of the most contentious elements of the first version.

But Trump evidently failed in that goal: Democratic states and nonprofit groups that work with immigrants and refugees raced into court to attack the updated order, alleging that it was a thinly veiled version of the ban on Muslim migration that he had pledged to enact last year, as a presidential candidate.

For more info read here.


  1. ..blocked….as it should be…although I think (in the end) the Supreme Court will decide in his favor because of their political affiliation – not because big Don is right…..


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