People in the News

Friday, February 28, 2025

People in the News

Friday, February 28, 2025

DeVon Franklin wants to share “The Truth About Men”

“We as men, don’t know how to love and how to practice love,” DeVon Franklin bluntly stated in an interview with the North Dallas Gazette. The award winning film and TV producer is also a best-selling author, and minister. His latest book is The Truth About Men.

It is all too common to hear people say, all men are dogs, which is why it was surprising to see Franklin use the metaphor training a dog as a path to discuss their misdeeds. He believes there are certain behavior patterns which men need to move away from because otherwise they are led to act against their vows, their integrity and even their character.

Men want pleasure for pleasure, as a result Franklin said, “We can become a nusiance to ourselves and those around us.” Learning to love God, themselves and the community happens when men are about to understand and live the truth that, “The love in me is stronger than the lust in me.”

According to Franklin the same discipline which propels men to professional and personal success in other areas of their lives, must be applied to their relationships. He admits it is a struggle even for him to work on how a man must learn to “Master the Dog” within.

“Respect the community and the culture instead of only putting our self desires above all else,” Franklin shared as the goal of helping men get back on track. This will result in renewed strength for African American relationships, families and communities.

Make no mistake this is not a how-to-book for women. While Franklin hopes it helps the ladies to understand their partners better by gaining information they do not already know, he believes they are often on track.

“Women are already doing what they need to do,” Franklin stated. He does hope the book offers some ladies an opportunity to heal from damage suffered at the hands of misbehaving men.

Dallas fans can hear Franklin speak at the Voices That Matter event on Feb. 21 at Paul Quinn College. Tickets and details are available at

Truth About Men is available at your favorite bookstore or online.