Saturday, June 29, 2024

Six Supplements You Should Use While Preparing for Finals

Image by Niek Verlaan from Pixabay

Partnership Post

When finals week rolls around, an unfortunate number of students turn to unhealthy methods to get themselves through their exams. Coffee and energy drinks rule the campus, and many people stop sleeping in order to cram for that last test. Even if you only do this for a few weeks every year, however, it can still be genuinely damaging to your body. Living off espresso for a week just isn’t good for you, and you can’t make up for it the rest of the year.

There is light at the end of the tunnel, though. There are a number of supplements that you can take to control anxiousness and make sure you focus better during the build-up to your final tests. By turning to these methods instead of unhealthy ones, you can make sure that you stay safe while still scoring high on that exam.

Fish Oils

Fish oil is one of the most widely-used supplements. The oil provides omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain function. If you don’t have enough of them, you’re likely to be performing more poorly than you should. Some studies also indicate that omega-3 fatty acids can help with cognitive processing and thinking skills. To increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, you can start eating more oily fish every week or just take it as a supplement in a pill.

Ginkgo Biloba

Although this herb certainly isn’t new on the scene, it has recently caught the eye of many researchers, who believe it may be useful to support cognition. It’s been widely used for many years, and if you’ve ever taken a mixed supplement to support your brain function, it’s likely included ginkgo biloba. However, on top of usefulness for those looking to maintain memory, it may be equally useful to support cognition in people with normal thinking skills, and that can make the difference for your tests.

Vitamin B-12

Vitamins, in general, are good to supplement with if you’re worried that you might have a deficiency, but vitamin B-12 is especially good for students. Low vitamin B-12 levels can easily lead to depressed mood and various symptoms of depression, which can make it incredibly difficult to study for exams, much less do well on them. Your body can’t produce Vitamin B-12 on its own, so make sure you either eat foods high in Vitamin B-12, like seafood or use a supplement.


Although creatine is most widely known for its use in the fitness community, it can be equally as helpful when you’re exercising your brain. Its impact on the brain isn’t very pronounced in people with an omnivorous diet, but interestingly, it might be very useful for vegetarians. If you follow a vegan, vegetarian, or pescatarian diet, you may want to add a creatine supplement in the weeks leading up to finals.


Though you may not have heard of it by name, tyrosine is actually a very popular supplement. It works in the production of dopamine and adrenaline and can promote focus and attention. In fact, it’s specifically

likely to support your brain function during stressful situations, which is exactly what you want when you’re taking a test. When you’re under stress, such as when you’re in test-taking environments, it can also help with sleep deprivation and concentration. Take it about 30-60 minutes before your test to get the most out of it.


If you frequently suffer from test anxiousness, CBD can be just what you need. There are plenty of reasons to use CBD for your studying. Not only can it help support your ability to focus, but it can also nurture a sense of calmness, both in your everyday life and while you’re taking tests. When taken on a regular schedule, it can help you tackle day-to-day stressors, making it useful both inside the classroom and out in the general world. There are also plenty of options for taking it — CBD gummies and concentrated solutions both work very well.

Should I Use Supplements for Studying?

Many people use supplements to help them focus and study more effectively. It’s definitely a great way to improve your performance, but be careful. Use a trustworthy, reliable, and high-quality source like Charlotte’s Web to make sure you’re getting a great product.


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