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People in the News

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

People in the News

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Dallas Police clarify how they are handling the Shelter in Place Order

Via social media locally there has been a debate about if individuals are allowed to go walking in local parks as long as they maintain social distancing. Are they allowed to be outside walking their pets? Can the Dalla Police stop and inquiry why you are on the streets?

In response, the Dallas Police released the following statement, which perhaps does not specifically answer certain questions, but it essentially states – Stay at Home.

“Dallas Police officers were previously provided a summary of the shelter in place order for Dallas County. The City has now adopted similar regulations. Essentially, the regulations require all individuals anywhere in the City of Dallas to shelter in place – that is, stay at home – except for certain essential activities.

DPD’s first line of defense is an educational approach. Officers will inform residents of the shelter in place regulations and the reasons for their implementation. Next, officers will ask them to disperse as a means of voluntary compliance. Given the seriousness of this COVID-19 pandemic, violators are expected to leave the area peacefully.”

They also try to reassure the immigrant community that this order is not going to be used for immigration enforcement.

“Officers will not stop residents, asking for ID or documentation supporting their need to be out of their residence, without other legitimate reasons for the stop. At this time, DPD will focus on educating the public.”


  1. DPD shouldn’t assume they need to stop people to educate them (i.e., they shouldn’t assume that people don’t know about the order & shouldn’t assume that people are violating it). DPD needs to first ask questions to educate themselves as to why someone is out, then respond appropriately. DPD needs to find out if the person they stop is even a resident of Dallas county or city or whether they’re simply passing through … they can’t force a non-resident to go home who had no intention of stopping in Dallas county or city, & the only reason the person stopped was because a DPD officer stopped them. Travelers from other counties, cities, or states are going to pass through, & they may need to stop for gas, something to eat, or to use the restroom (all essential), or a resident may be out for an essential reason, so DPD needs to ask questions to educate themselves before jumping to conclusions that the person they stop needs to be educated. It’s no different than any other stop … ask questions, then respond accordingly.

  2. I’m a home health care nurse aid i live in the Dallas area my job is to take care of the elderly and disabled if I am needed to travel out 50 to 100 miles for work what do I need to get out that way do I need to get an amend letter from Judge Jenkins or what am I todo ?

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