NDG Live September 24, 2020 A look at the past and the future of the Black Press 1885 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Thurman R. Jones, the publisher of the North Dallas Gazette, was interviewed via Facebook Live by Sherice Wallace of the Baltimore-based Afro-American Newspapers -NNPA Convention 2017, National Harbor, MD 00:02:15 Mr. Martin Burrell: Don’t be late to the game when securing contracts 00:03:01 The Real Deal: Gregg A. Smith’s 18th album release party NDG Weekly PicksNorth Dallas Gazette President elect’s immigration reforms to present staffing and economic, among other challenges A racial reckoning in Columbus, Ohio The Future of American Education: A call to action LEAVE A REPLY Comment: Please enter your comment! Name:* Please enter your name here Email:* You have entered an incorrect email address! Please enter your email address here Website: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ Related media 00:43:39 NDG CLOSE UP (Ep.01) – NTTA systemic opposition to M/WBE participation (Part I) NDG Live Cover Story (videos) 00:02:15 Mr. Martin Burrell: Don’t be late to the game when securing contracts NDG Marketplace Videos 00:02:24 Mr. Anthony Coleman’s key points to remember on securing contracts for a minority firm. NDG Marketplace Videos 00:01:44 Snake Eyes | Final Trailer NDG Live Cover Story (videos)