People in the News

Friday, January 24, 2025

People in the News

Friday, January 24, 2025

Who is the King of Glory?

By Sister Tarpley
NDG Religion Editor

“Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.”
– Psalm 24:8

Look to the Lord Mighty in Battle to give you victory in life. Battles are not easy; they’re tough, threatening and tiring. Jesus went through many sufferings on Earth.

His disciples left Him, Peter denied Him, and the Roman soldiers beat Him and then crucified Him on a cross.

Though the enemy thought they won the battle by killing Jesus, it was in His death that the victory was won.


Picture of the Week, Sister Tarpley with her daughter and grandchildren: back row (L to R) David, Tyanna, Sister Tarpley and Philip Lott
Front row, Sheila Lott.

Since the world hated Him, the world will oppose you. You will always have to fight the world, the flesh and Satan.

Your enemies will be too strong for you, so you must look to the Lord Mighty in Battle. He will come to your rescue when you call on Him.

Lord, help me see my enemies through Your eyes. You defeated them on the cross; give me faith to claim victory today.

When you think that sin will defeat you, remember that victory begins in your mind. You must want to win and look to His strength for victory.

When you plan to win, remember that victory comes when you stand by the Lord. He will help you defeat the Enemy.

When you’re near Him, you can be victorious in His strength. Lord, I’ll not look at the strength of the Enemy; I’ll look to Your might.

I know You defeated the Enemy on the cross, so I’ll trust You to win the victory today.