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People in the News

Sunday, March 9, 2025

People in the News

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Welcome back for the second half!

By Joyce Foreman
Dallas ISD Board of Trustees
District 6

I hope your holidays were filled with joy and you are relaxed and ready for a productive second semester.

We have so much to look forward to in this new year from our District Six scholars, student-athletes, teachers, principals, team members and community supporters. It’s an honor to serve as your trustee.

It’s also an honor for me to work alongside my fellow trustees, and as January is School Board Recognition Month, it’s the perfect time for me to thank them for representing their communities and helping to provide the resources and opportunities for all our children to excel.

I am privileged to work with each and every one of them.

Honoring a Hero


Joyce Foreman

This time of year is special to me because we get to pay homage to one of our greatest American heroes, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I’m proud of our District 6 students who made it to the finals of the MLK Jr. Oratory Competition: Aiden Body of T.L. Marsalis Elementary STEAM Academy and Jzairus (pronounced JI-rus) Hopkins-Swanson of Thomas Tolbert Elementary. Congratulations to them and to all the students who participated in the annual competition, and a special salute to the winner.

Kudos to this year’s Master Principals

I also want to recognize the 24 Master Principals who represent the district’s top 10% in the categories of elementary, secondary and choice schools. Congrats to all 24 across Dallas ISD, and especially those in District 6: Constance Jawaid at Carpenter Elementary and Lakisha Merritt at Martin Weiss Elementary.

Thanks to SOC for a great season

The South Oak Cliff Golden Bears gave us a thrilling season, and while they didn’t walk away with the championship trophy this year, there’s always next year and we will always have their backs.

Deadline to apply to Choice Schools

The deadline to apply for the district’s choice schools and programs is Jan. 31. Visit for more information about our academic offerings and find the best-fit school for your child.

2024 STEM Expo

On Saturday, Feb. 2, Dallas ISD’s 2024 STEM Expo will take place at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. Students and families can participate in more than 100 fun and academic experiences, with exhibits in science, technology, engineering, and math. To find more information and register, visit