Friday, July 5, 2024

Is Aaron Hernandez a psychopath?

hernandezBy Ruth Ferguson, NDG Editor

The stories unfolding regarding former New England Patriot Aaron Hernandez raises the question is he a psychopath?

He was arrested for the execution of a friend, 27 year old Odin Lloyd,  because Hernandez was upset to see him talking to the wrong people in a nightclub. Now news Hernandez is facing a lawsuit for shooting a friend in the face earlier this year, and leaving him bleeding in an alley. Alexander Bradley filed a lawsuit earlier in the month but due to a clerical error had to refile on June 19 asking for $75,000. He lost his right eye and his lawyer says he has difficulty eating and other health issues stemming from the shooting. According to police Bradley was not cooperative when they attempted investigate the Feb. 13 shooting, never providing a name of his shooter. Now his attorney is claiming Hernandez left Bradley in the alley to die. 

Also police are reportedly investigating Hernandez for possible involvement in the death of two in 2012. In fact, ABCNews is reporting information Lloyd may have known regarding Hernandez and the drive by murder of two men in Boston could actually be the real reason he was killed this week. TMZ Sports is reporting that police have named Hernandez a person of interest in their murders.

Additionally a photo Hernandez took of himself when he was 19 with a handgun has emerged. Reports indicate he had some former involvement with gangs and possibly he was attempting to send a warning message to those trying to pull him back into that life. However, given the picture that is emerging you get the sense that perhaps Hernandez left the gang, but not the mentality of a gang member. Investigators are reportedly looking closely at his extensive tattoos to rule out any gang related symbols in an effort to protect him from rival gang members in jail.

The New England Patriots did not waste a moment in letting him go. While that may raise some eyebrows given the innocent until proven given promise of our justice system, the NFL clearly would prefer to take the heat from the ACLU versus the bad publicity of being associated any longer with Hernandez. However, in light of the lawsuit filed against him — and most likely they knew about it long before the public did — it is understandable because a pattern appears to be emerging with Hernandez. How many people have one friend murdered and another shot in the face within a four month period?

Earlier today the Patriots announced fans can bring their Nike or Reebox No. 81 Hernandez jersey purchased on their website or at their gift shop back for a free exchange:

“The free jersey exchange will be available exclusively at the Patriots ProShop from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET on Saturday, July 6 and from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET on Sunday, July 7.”

Two other men have been arrested in connection with the June 17 murder of Lloyd. Hernandez was denied bail twice this week and remains in custody.


  1. Aaron fits the psychopath. Erratic behavior. No conscience.
    Lack of empathy. Rages of anger.
    This time the penalty won’t be just ten yards. Life would be more accurate.

  2. Only a sociopath could murder a “friend” and have no remorse whatsoever. The home security video alone proved that. Laughing and joking hours before and after the murder. One of several murders he obviously committed. The Netflix documentary was borderline vomit inducing how it implied he deserved sympathy. My sympathy is with his victims and all the innocent lives he destroyed.


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