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People in the News

Thursday, March 13, 2025

People in the News

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Abbott Campaign means more self-serving partisanship

4204d832-80ce-42f2-bb86-aa8c8c195363Source: LonastarProject

A life-long professional politician who offers bitter partisanship and little else for Texas families.

In announcing his run for Texas Governor today, Greg Abbott used hopeful rhetoric in an attempt to mask a hostile and self-serving record. As a career politician, Abbott has used public office and the hard-earned money of Texas taxpayers to advance himself within the Republican Party and to undermine the hopes of Texas families and their hard work for a better future.

Abbott’s shallow but partisan rhetoric is exactly the same political recipe Rick Perry has been serving up for over a dozen years. Like Perry, Greg Abbott sees public service as an opportunity for personal advancement. His record is a series of self-serving actions that have held Texans back rather than move us forward. Texans don’t want or need a fifth term for Rick Perry, yet that is what a Greg Abbott governorship would be.

A career politician dependent upon public office

Greg Abbott has spent most of his adult life either running for office or serving in office, all while milking the state payroll. Abbott is part of a group of political lifers who have drawn a state paycheck for a combined 114 years. He worked in private practice as lawyer for barely 10 years. Abbott’s first two political offices were not the result of him winning an election but rather as appointments to fill a vacancy. Greg Abbott been living off of Texas taxpayers and political contributors for almost every one of the last 20 years.

Working against Texans rather than for them

Time and again as State Attorney General, Abbott has ignored real problems that threaten Texas families and instead used the resources of the AG’s office to go after perceived political enemies or to advance himself. Just a few years ago, Abbott converted over $1 million in federal grant money intended for use to prosecute online sexual predators and other cyber crimes and instead used it to harass and prosecute senior citizens who were assisting other senior citizens in applying for mail-in ballots.

Partisanship matched by incompetence

Texans’ privacy and personal finances were threatened when the AG’s office exposed hundreds of thousands of Social Security numbers while releasing other documents during voter photo ID litigation. Abbott’s incompetence did not result in a wider release of private information ONLY because opposing council in the case identified and notified Abbott of his error.

Partisan like Perry, but more bitter and mean-spirited

Like Perry, Abbott sees the world as red versus blue and uses his official office to punish enemies while advancing himself and his partisan allies. Abbott has taken his partisanship even further to what can only be described as heartlessness. As part of a sham investigation into voter fraud, Abbott sent agents from the AG’s office to harass an elderly Democratic activist in Fort Worth. The agents went to the elderly woman’s home and, when she did not immediately come to the door, they circled the house and peeped in her windows. The woman was startled to see one of Abbott’s agents staring at her through the bathroom window as she stepped out of the shower. Rather than apologize, the agents insisted on interrogating the woman, then left without fully explaining their reasons for coming to her home. Greg Abbott has yet to explain his actions, much less apologize for them.



  1. The author omitted one critically important part of Abbott’s career to this treatisie, ,e, g, monetary child support imposition and collection. The effects of Abbott’s actions here have been disastrous to children, family, and fathers. Part of the reason he does it is for federal monetary kickback for every dollar collected. That money can go to the general fund too! Yet before one feels this is a good thing remember that a child essentially needs each and both parents on an EQUAL basis. In Abbott’s equasion, no money exists for assuring a child has access to its father (usually). Furthermore subversion of access is often the result of this skewed billfold fleecing structure and systematic parental alienation, the worst form of child abuse is another result. See . Thus Abbott is trough sloshing while he gobbles up Texas families.

  2. Abbots career is built on his credentials as a fiduciary and revenue generation, the previous poster is correct on many points. The most important one is the fact that no child has ever been helped by this money maker for the state coffers. Last year alone from child support the state of Texas added a further 19 billion dollars to the general fund through his child support scam. For the state this revenue is leveraged under the assured revenue system supported by family courts, the clerks who operate separate revenue funds under hidden titles. In 2006 for example the state of Illinois from seed capital of just 300 million supplied by federal incentives generated an additional 112 billion dollars in extra services from the taxpayers of Illinois, Texas is a higher capitalized state and has more so called dead beat dads in prison at a cost of 43 dollars per day for the Private prison system attached to courts than any other state, some Guys are dead, some are working dead end jobs and can owe their ex wives just a few thousand dollars but with interest charges and court fees this can be an exaggerated but federally legally obligated sum that can reach into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and since courts operate like the IRS guess who gets the money, not the kids. Guys who never earned more than 10,000 dollars a year can end up with court fees and interest amounting to 1000 % a year. A five thousand dollar debt in family court can be easily 25,000 dollars in arrearages in less than three years. Heck I know a roofer who never earned more than 20,000 a year ordered to pay 60,000 dollars a year in imputed income. He commmitted suicide because he couldn’t afford to live, and he is one of thousand a year driven into despair by guys like Abbot. Like I say he has never helped one poor child in the whole historuy of his carreer, but he sure has lived well, and thousands upon thousand of fathers, mothers and children continue to suffer under this man’s idea of living on the taxpayers for an income. It is Americas biggest scam ever, and that is why family courts, the attorneys office, and the federal child support agency he works for is the most despicable form of human trafficking ever devised by people like him. Anyone who wants him for governor better think twice about the misery he has endowed Texas with, and far worse than that the mnisery he will force Texas taxpayers to pay for, because that is what he is good at.

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