Wednesday, May 8, 2024

2013 MTV Awards winners and losers (Miley & Lady Gaga we mean you!)

miley and robinBy Ruth Ferguson, NDG Editor

So I have not seen the show entirely yet, but WOW was the opening performance by Lady Gaga a bit disappointing or what?

It is a video award show, if you were going to lip sync that would have been fine. The foolish, awkward microphone handling was distracting and annoying as well. I am not a particular fan of her music, but actually like Applause so was disappointed that I had to watch her performance four times in an effort to figure out was it intended to be that bad? For example, was the booing at the nun, part of the act, intended for the hideous boxy outfit for no apparent reason, or another political statement?

Looking over the list of winners – my reaction is – the MTV Awards must be feeling it’s age. They appear to now feel obligated to “spread the wealth” the way the Oscars can at times by rewarding folks for their career or because they gave the award they really deserve to someone else so this is the make-up award. I love Justin but it was a bit overkill with all of his trophies.

Finally on the award winners – YES I AM BITTER – Robin Thicke (who I will admit he is personally arrogant and annoying) did not win ANYTHING?  How can that be with what everyone agrees is the song of the summer. To me it was disappointing that he did perform the song with T.I. and Pharrell Williams and he looked like a sick puppy chasing Miley across the stage.

To top it off the performance was a hot mess with Miley Cyrus performance. To see the best photo of the night which featured the shocked expressions of Will Smith and his kids as they watched Miley perform visit

To watch all of the videos declared a winner last night visit




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