Monday, July 1, 2024

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson’s statement recognizing President Barack Obama’s efforts in Syria

image001Today Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson released the following statement on President Obama’s leadership as events unfold surrounding the chemical attack in Syria:

“I would like to applaud President Barack Obama for his efforts in recognizing the Syrian people who were affected by an unprecedented chemical attack on August 21, 2013. An estimated 1,400 innocent Syrian civilians – including many women and children – were killed, while millions have been displaced as refugees.

Even amid controversy, President Obama has shown leadership and vehemently denounced the Syrian regime’s actions as inhumane. It is important that we distinguish the President’s efforts to protect international law and humanitarian interests during this difficult time. Although many of my colleagues and I have not made final decisions on whether to authorize an attack on Syria, I believe it is imperative that we acknowledge the President’s diplomatic efforts during this crisis.”


  1. Trudat…On Syria, this president does appear to be more of a diplomat/statesman/thinker about foreign policy than some previous presidents – like the one (former Vice President) Chaney served under. Chaney has gone so far as to call Obama a “weak” president for his restraint on this issue as if the presidency he served under committed no sins. On the other hand, Obama showed no such restraint when the US and a mostly “western” coalition attacked Libya and forced a “regime change”. Obama acts as if the question of “chemical” warfare is the big thing that makes Syria such a concern but I don’t accept that excuse. Representatives of the US government have (straight out) lied to the people of the US on numerous occasions and I am sure they are not ready to start telling truth at this time. I support most things that keep the US out of another stupid war – and that includes politicians. War is a friend only to the undertaker and the military industrial establishment – not that I condemn undertakers…


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