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People in the News

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

People in the News

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Curtis Report: It’s simple really, leadership should work even if Washington doesn’t

indexBy Barry Curtis

It’s very simple. Our founding fathers constructed a brilliant yet simple formula for the operation of our federal government. The concept is simple, three distinct branches of government that are as unique and dynamic as they are autonomous, each branch with their own agenda and thirst for power. The very make up is proof that our founding fathers believed in the principles of a limited federal government, leaving real authority close to the people as evidenced in the strong principles of states’ rights.

It’s very simple math. Simply put there are 3 branches of government, nine Supreme Court justices, 535 members of congress and one president. Thank GOD for the one president.

That’s 545 individuals that are unique and dynamic as they are intellectually autonomous, each person with their own agenda and thirst for power.

Humility is the primary characteristic of a great leader. Mr. Barack Obama was born humble, but he grew out of it.

It’s simply an enormous refuge of ego and pride.

It’s simply a system that rarely acts in its own interest or yours.

It’s simply a system that is greased by money and influence.

It’s simply a matter of leadership. Leadership is based not only on words, but on actions that demonstrate character.

The dysfunction in Washington is by no means a new development. We have had political misery in Washington since our inception. In fact it is my opinion that one of the motivating reasons that a separate district was created to hold the nation’s capital was that few wanted the potential negatives of a federal capital that was mired in controversy.

Simply put, we don’t have a lack of dysfunction but a lack of leadership. What do you remember from your history lesson about the civil war? Do you first recall the corruption, treason, and political intrigue of Washington? Or do you remember the unwavering character and leadership of Lincoln?

I simply query this to you. Was there any doubt about the resolve of Franklin Roosevelt to win World War 2? Was there any question of this war time leader’s ability to carry out the nation’s business? Did we not buckle tighter in our confidence when he declared “we have nothing to fear but fear it-self?”

I simply place this on the table before you my patriot friends. Compare Mr. Obama’s words to that of President Kennedy, that simply doesn’t compare does it? I simply encourage you to compare the actions of President Jefferson and Adams to that of Mr. Obama? Would those patriots make statements such as “leading from behind”? Making suggestive statements such as “America is on the decline.” What president does that?

Simply stated Mr. President your words and action do not demonstrate the long held charter of an American president.

Reach out to Barry Curtis at


  1. GREAT article as always! keep up the good work! Obama is the most divisive, childish, incapable president we have ever had. he blames, bitches, complains, and is no leader. he’s an ebarrasment and a disgrace to our nation. he loves to party with rap stars…how presidential is that. he should just do it full time and leave us alone so we can heal from his disasterous presidency. the day he leaves our white house should be named a national holiday.

  2. Great Article my fellow Patriot. And in the great words of JFK: Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

  3. Could not disagree more, but differing voices are important to have a real conversation and maybe create change.

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