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People in the News

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

People in the News

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Harry Reid: Not hopeful a grand bargain is likely soon

Photo by Michael Ruhl, University of New Mexico - Talk Radio News Service
Photo by Michael Ruhl, University of New Mexico – Talk Radio News Service

On Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) ruled out the possibility that a budget conference committee convening this week will reach a “grand bargain” that would cut Social Security and Medicare, raise taxes and reduce spending.

“We are not going to have a grand bargain in the near future,” he said. Instead, he suggested negotiators should focus on a replacement for sequestration and forget “happy talk” about a grand bargain.

The comments came a week after the deal he reached with Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling.

A House-Senate budget conference will be established to come up with long-term spending plans by December 13, 2013. Congress faces a Jan. 15 deadline to fund the government again to prevent a shutdown, and a Feb. 7 deadline to raise the debt ceiling. Reid said a wider deal could happen next year if mainstream Republicans can take control of the GOP away from the Tea Party. Mr. Reid signaled that he could be open to minor trimming of some Medicare or Social Security spending as part of deal that involves tax revenue. More at

“We still have to mobilize vigorously to make sure that seniors’ programs are not cut as part of the budget conference deal,” said Edward F. Coyle, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Persons.