Saturday, July 6, 2024

Celebrity single mom tips on parenthood

Chilli has interesting views on single moms. (Source: Straight From the A)
Chilli has interesting views on single moms. (Source: Straight From the A)

Being a single mother has its challenges, and these Hollywood moms keep it together in the spotlight. As we talk about the love and support between moms in Single Moms Club, we’re taking life lessons on single motherhood from Hollywood’s club of moms doing it on their own.

On Dating as a Single Mom

“I don’t like when women are dating and they present every guy they are dating as a boyfriend around the kids,” Chilli told ESSENCE. “It’s hard to not bring someone you are dating around your kid, but you don’t display affection in front of them. ‘This is mommy’s friend,’ and that’s so your kids aren’t confused and develop bad habits.” Do you agree?

Read each of them on Essence. Do you think they are on the right track?


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