Friday, July 5, 2024

Dallas City Council members deny they voted to remove water fluoridation

water tankCity of Dallas has issued the following statement on Dallas water fluoridation:

“Media reports that the City of Dallas has voted to remove fluoride from city water are incorrect. City Council members have discussed a desire to look into this issue more closely, but have not taken any action.

“The Council will continue to look at the issue of water fluoridation before making any final determination,” said Councilmember Jennifer Staubach Gates.

“I anticipate a briefing on this subject will consist of a thoughtful discussion of all the facts, including the views of medical, dental and scientific professionals,” Councilmember Gates said.”


  1. Anonymous

    If I was citing Mercola as a source to support my claim, I would probably want to remain “anonymous” as well. In all likelihood Councilmember Gates meant that the council will consult with legitimate medical, dental, and scientific professionals, which would, of course, eliminate Mercola.

    Steven D. Slott, DDS

  2. “In all likelihood” you have not read the article, nor are you concerned about the 23 studies mentioned in the article, nor are you concerned about anything beyond what is considered to be “legitimate” by the status quo…in all likelihood…

  3. I thought this comment was about fluoride, not chemtrails and anti vaccine and other woo treatments pushed by Mercola
    Fluoride exists naturally in nearly all water supplies. Water is “fluoridated” when a public water system adjusts the fluoride to a level that is found to prevent tooth decay.

    Research shows the long-term benefits of fluoridation. A 2010 study found that the fluoridated water consumed as a young child makes the loss of teeth (due to decay) much less likely even 40 or 50 years later — when that child is a middle-aged adult. You can read the study here:

  4. Debz Whipple Chris Price;
    Obviously this article is about fluoridation and not the other “stuff” that some folk keep trying to bring into focus in order to confuse the issue. Just so you know, the one study you mentioned is not convincing. If fluoridation was such a good thing, its’ value would be clear and irrefutable. There would be no large body of scientific work to repudiate its worthiness. This is not the case.

  5. Typical anti-fluoride nuts. One councilman says “Let’s think about it” and they’re all over the internet declaring victory, Dallas stops fluoridating. Just like they read one news story about fluoride and shout from the hilltops that fluoride is eeeeeviiiiil. Do they (like the anti-vaccine folk) have any speed but 100 miles in the wrong direction?


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