Tuesday, July 2, 2024

NDG Gossip: Eddie Long wants his money back!

By Tonya Whitaker
NDG Staff Writer

Man, oh man. Eddie Long knows better than to tell black folk to keep quiet!

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported Oct. 1 the esteemed bishop is requesting that three of his accusers – Jamal Parris, Spencer LeGrande and Centino Kemp – return their hush money because he believes they have violated the secrecy agreement that was made several months ago. Bishop and his lawyers are trying to get back $900,000 from the accusers.

Long has some nerve. I am not here to play judge, jury, or a higher power, but he was the one who decided to pay these men off so they would not air his dirty laundry. To me, paying people off is admitting guilt. I know if someone went around trying to smear my name, I would fight tooth and nail to clear it. Long decided not to defend his honor. Now he is have a pissy fit because Kemp is planning to write a book and Parris is speaking out about the ordeal.

I wonder if the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church flock has now stopped drinking the darn Kool-Aid.

Unwise words

Are you ready for some unemployment? Singer Hank Williams Jr. claims he was angry at the economic situation in the country when he compared President Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler. I am still trying to figure out the that out, but the stupidest part of the Fox and Friends interview on Oct. 3 with the wise guy is when he said Obama and Vice President Joe Biden where the enemies … “The Three Stooges.” Obviously, the old man can’t count either. I wonder if he was wasted?


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