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People in the News

Friday, March 14, 2025

People in the News

Friday, March 14, 2025

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar responds to critics blaming protesters for murder of NYPD cops

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. lights at candle at the Brooklyn memorial for Police Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos on Sunday, December 21, 2014.
Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. lights at candle at the Brooklyn memorial for Police Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos on Sunday, December 21, 2014. Image via Flickr user Ruben Diaz Jr.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar provides an eloquent, but very direct response to police supporters criticizing the NYC mayor and peaceful protesters in light of the recent murders of two NYPD police officers on Saturday by a lone madman.

“The way to honor those who defend our liberties with their lives — as did my father and grandfather — is not to curtail liberty, but to exercise it fully in pursuit of a just and peaceful society

According to Ecclesiastes, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose.” For me, today, that means a time to seek justice and a time to mourn the dead.


  1. Someone will dig up his police record from the 1960-70’s, and, lo, expose an arrest record as long as his tube socks.

  2. Aristotles;

    I would be very surprised to find that Kareem had an unknown arrest record of any kind. He has been a public figure since the 60’s and anything that could be exposed about him has already been exposed.

    Also, although I don’t agree with everything Kareem said in his editorial, I do agree with most of the points he makes. Those who are blaming the police murders on the current police reform movement need to just shut up. And furthermore, over the years, incidents like those in Ferguson and New York have reduced my faith in the police. It would help restore some of my scarce faith in police departments everywhere if I could see them standing up for the rights of citizens who are murdered by police like many of them are standing up for these murdered New York police. But I don’t plan to hold my breath while I wait for the police to support citizens like they do other police.

  3. NDG Staff;
    I extend apologies to the NDG “commentary assembly” for being picky and technical but I selfishly reserve that right for myself (as I think we all should)…in the ninth paragraph, he accused some of those who are in opposition to his view point of being motivated by “financial self-interest (unions) or party politics”…I think that this summation leaves out many other motivations which deserve consideration and is potentially critical in an unfair fashion of unions and some party politicians. So, I disagree with that perspective. However, this is a minor technicality which could lead to a discussion of points not necessarily related to the subject of the editorial. Therefore I just say that I don’t agree with everything he says although I agree with his main position.

  4. Sorry if you misunderstood the intention of the question, you are a valued contributor to the dialogue on this website. So I merely asked because I was interested in knowing what your area of concern was. It was not intended as a criticism, more of a compliment actually. I personally feel no strong allegiance to the commentary or commentator – bottomline is I am always interested in hearing other viewpoints because I am so sick of people merely looking for confirmation of their already set opinion.

    Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza and New Year.

  5. NDG Staff;
    No form of angst or ill will was intended with any of my comments. I respect Kareem although I disagree with him on some things. This is all about a free exchange of ideas and a pursuit of additional knowledge. I pray for peace and blessings for the NDG community during the holidays and in the coming years. Thanks for everything. May your good work continue.

  6. Total BS Kareem. Like I’ll take advice from a guy who shed his perceived oppressive name, just to take an even more oppressive Islamic name. Clean up your religion Kareem. The most intolerant, oppressive, brutal institution ever devised by man. Islam is total submission or death! Stop with the race card against the police. Oh, now police are not openly racist, no, now it is implanted in subversive ways in there minds and it is institutionalized in their job…oh really, what total BS is that.

    Oh, you are still my number one on the court!!

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