Friday, July 5, 2024

Fey, Poehler & The Golden Globes: Heroes or Hypocritics?

tina-and-amyBy Ruth Ferguson, NDG Editor

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler’s jokes about Bill Cosby seem to have a divided reaction from the crowd of celebrities during last night’s Golden Globes, and via the social world as well.

For the sake of this conversation, the question is not about if Bill Cosby is guilty or not – he has been accused, but not charged of a crime. Does that make him fair game for jokes, yes. Like it or not we have all laughed at similar jokes related to other celebrities in the news.

No idea who decides what to spotlight but given the fact the Golden Globes decided to give an accused pedophile a lifetime achievement award last year – you would think they would want to stay out of this debate. Apparently Fey and Poehler didn’t get the memo or watch the show last year.

But let’s not go back to last year. Why was it OK to joke about Bill Cosby who continues to deny his guilt (OK it is a lot of guilt to deny), but  Stephen Collins who ADMITTED to molesting girls is not worth a mention by the dynamic duo?

Young, Gifted and Rachet drives the point home the best:

“During the show, the White women did a short set where they made from of Bill Cosby. The joke entailed them using “Sleeping Beauty” to comment on the fact that Cosby has been accused of drugging and raping dozens of women, many of whom mentioned waking from a sleep and finding themselves naked and bruised. I’m all for calling out rape culture, and I’m all for calling out celebrities, but Bill Cosby is not the only famous person in television over the past year to have been involved in sexual assault scandals. Rape is a serious issue and it certainly needs to be spoken about in the media, but singling out Black people is also a serious issue and that is what happened last night at the Golden Globes.”

Read their full blog with examples here.

So what do you think?


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