Thursday, July 18, 2024

DISD’s Mike Miles survives attempt to fire him

DISD Superintendent Mike Miles
DISD Superintendent Mike Miles

Dallas Independent School District (DISD) Superintendent Mike Miles has survived another attempt to fire him. After almost four hours of meeting the DISD Board of Trustees voted 7-2 to send him a letter of concern, which is effectively putting him on corrective action.  The attempt to request his letter of resignation effective in December did not receive enough photos.

The community is fairly divided over Miles three year performance. Supporters organized wearing purple shirts saying Support Our Superintendent, they believe the district is making progress and Miles simply needs more time.

On the other hand, NBC5 quoted retired Dallas ISD Supervisor Billy Ray Sanders saying, “We want to send a strong message that we are sick and tired of his leadership and we want fairness done today.”

Miles attended part of the meeting but left early indicating he had a previous engagement with his son.


  1. This guy has to go! The improvements in Dallas ISD are because of hardworking teachers, principals, and coaches. He is a terrible leader. The moral of our school employees is horrible. We are losing our best teachers, principals, and coaches to neighboring districts. He is a politician and will do or say anything to keep his high salary job. He is a micro manager and will cause more problems than he is worth. A leader lights a fire in people and motivates them with their vision. A leader serves others. A micro manager lights a fire under people and threatens them. A micro manager wants everybody to serve them as a king or a queen.
    He put in an evaluation system that he does not know how to implement. It is copied from other districts. If you look at it carefully you will see that it is almost like a MLM scheme. It promises big money for people in education but to meet all the requirements only 1-5% will ever actually achieve that pay. Incentive? Yes it is for educators to leave the district and go find a better ran school. Can we afford to lose our good teachers and keep this politician micro manager? Common Sense says no!

  2. He means too much to the business establishment to be dismissed this early in the game. A people oriented contingent on the board gave it their best to get rid of him but it was not enough because “the people” didn’t push for his dismissal hard enough. He’s probably in it for the money…period. I suspect there is a major long term plan – (conspiracy) underway to allow certain business interest to gain greater control of the money of the school district. After this plan is executed, he will be expendable.


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