Saturday, June 29, 2024

Denzel rides in to save the West in The Magnificent Seven

The Magnificent Seven opens Sept. 23.
The Magnificent Seven opens Sept. 23. (Credit: Variety)

By Ruth Ferguson, NDG Editor

OK I am not a western movie fan generally. But if Denzel is riding in the saddle, I am at the front of the line. This movie is a remake of an American classic, which was a remake of a Japanese classic – The Seven Samurai.

Traditionalists — no let’s face it the Trump/Tea Party crowd probably needs to a ride to the nearest ER today. First, Harriet Tubman is picked to replace a president on the $20 bill and now one of their most revered movies is coming to a nearby theater with not only a black director, but star as well. Now, before you scream I am playing the race card – name 5 mainstream, non-comedic, no slaves anywhere westerners featuring an African American lead? I’ll wait and I will apologize when you school me.

Meanwhile, while we wait enjoy a trailer for what looks to be a very solid re-telling of the 1960 classic which featured Yul Brynner in Denzel’s role, and included co-stars such as Charles Bronson and Steve McQueen. And watch closely at the end….Denzel still got that walk.



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