Sunday, June 30, 2024

Coffey Anderson’s video offers safety tips when pulled over by police

Image: YouTube
Image: YouTube

Country music singer Coffey Anderson created a video to help black men and cops. The video presents tips on how to interact with the police during traffic stops. Anderson’s advice is designed to reduce chances for a police feel alarmed.

About 80 minutes before Dallas shooting, the video was posted. Within the first 24 hours, more than 6 million viewers watched the video.

Police officers protecting protestors in Downtown Dallas were targeted reportedly by the lone shooter. The #BlackLivesMatter movement inspired the protest. However, Dominique Alexander, the leader of the Next Generation Action Network, organized the protest in response to the shooting deaths of two African-American men at the hands of police officers this week. Alton Sterling was killed outside of a convenience store Tuesday night. Philando Castile’s death was captured on Facebook Live as his girlfriend was filming what appeared to be a routine traffic stop.

Police officers protecting protestors in Downtown Dallas were targeted reportedly by the lone shooter. Twelve people were wounded, five officers died. The #BlackLivesMatter movement inspired the protest. However, Dominique R. Alexander, the leader of the Next Generation Action Network, organized the protest in response to the shooting deaths of two African-American men at the hands of police officers this week. Alton Sterling was killed outside of a convenience store Tuesday night. Philando Castile’s death was captured on Facebook Live as his girlfriend was filming what appeared to be a routine traffic stop.

Anderson’s recommendation includes having your license and registration on the dashboard before the cop arrives at the window. Keeping both hands on the steering wheel with fingers visible. If it is necessary to move, communicate what you are doing first.

Stop the Violence Safety Video


  1. Unfortunately everybody cannot know or remember how to do all of this. Those who do see it and remember it, use it. Maybe it will keep you alive. However, it is easier and constitutionally required to train police to not deny citizens their constitutional rights when representing the state based on personal racist bias.l Obviously, Police must give a warning, or command to halt , before using lethal force. It’s elementary.Each of you have a right to that warning before you are denied life, liberty and your pursuit of happiness. That warning is your due process in this situation. If a cop is too angry, lazy, scared, or racially biased, to warn before using lethal or injurious aggressive force, then he shouldn’t be out there, and ultimately must answer for his wrongful conduct.

  2. Unfortunately everyone cannot know or remember how to do all of this. Those who do see it and remember, use it. Maybe it will keep you alive. However, it is easier and constitutionally required that police be trained to not deny a person his constitutional rights because of personal racist bias when representing the state. Fundamentally, police must give a warning before using lethal force. It is the required due process in this situation. If a cop is too angry, lazy, scared, or biased to warn before he uses lethal or injurious aggressive force, then he shouldn’t be out there, and he must answer for his wrongful conduct.

  3. As with any incidents, especially with someone who is armed or has weapons in a car, you always put both hands on top of the wheel and cross them. Announce that there is a weapon in the vehicle and its location.

    It isn’t unconstitutional to carry a weapon in a vehicle but if you want to achieve a successful exchange between yourself and a police officer, please help him do his job with less concern by treating the traffic stop as a positive meeting. Don’t be offended, don’t be worried.

    Bless the country singer for his efforts.


  5. The video of a well-intentioned (and/or publicity seeking) individual demonstrating “helpful tips” for POC to memorize/implement during traffic stops–y’know, so as not to get murdered– has been heavily lauded/made viral by the blue/all-lives-matter folks. Here’s the thing: It is inarguably victim-blaming. It supports every variation of racist assertion that “they should just act right and they wouldn’t get themselves killed.” It is tantamount to those who–in place of expending energy on extinguishing the misogynistic/rape culture marinating boys’ minds or providing men with “helpful tips”– choose to instruct girls/women on how we should behave, y’know, so as not to get raped. Comedian S. Silverman offered a rebuttal (weblink below) in response to one such “helpful tips” attempt. It is at once hilarious and agonizing.


    (Note: If the “helpful tips” video maker referenced above had consistently, purposefully given voice to the well-documented HORRORS that exist that prompted his video, it may’ve made it incrementally more palatable. But…likely not.)

  6. “Unfortunately everyone cannot remember how to do all of this”. Are you seriously using that bull as an excuse? You are adults who remember how to operate a motor vehicle,how to pay taxes, and more, and you cannot remember a few steps for a police officer who stops thousands of people a week and risks his life daily? THIS attitude is unacceptable and the typical attitude that needs to be changed,because YOU are not the one putting your life in other’s hands daily like they are. Try a better excuse.

  7. “Police must give a warning before using lethal force”. So, let me get this straight. If a driver stops and reaches for something black,that is shaped like a gun, and it turns out to BE a gun, the police is required to say “Excuse me, but I am warning that I will be defending myself now,just so you know.” and by that time, he could be dead.You are ridiculous and completely uneducated in procedure,not to neglect to mention, misinformed about how many times an officer is at risk of losing his life daily.Police are NOT denying anyone their constitutional rights be asking drivers to follow a few tips for safety,cmon! Your biased attitude and lack of respect for his safety is like an epidemic in this country running rampid.

  8. I did not read past ” have your license and registration on dash before the officer arrives at window ” REACHIN FOR YOUE WALLET , MOVING AROUND IN SEAT, REACHING FOR “SOMETHING IN THE CONSOLE OR GLOVEBOX CAN GET YOU SHOT BEFORE THE OFFICER ARRIVES AT THE WINDOW !!! I have during late night stop , dark where officer can not see well through tinted windows I have extended both hands out drivers window fingers spread wide to show nothing in my hands. Hands separated widely so each hand can be easily seen. It should be clear that you are harmless. I do clarify with officer any request he makes and ask if it now ok for me to comply, i.e. get my billfold. I initially make sure I tell where my wallet is when he asks for id and then get his permission to retrieve it. If you have a concealed carry permit make sure you present it with your drivers license and tell him that you do have permit and be clear about where the gun is located on you or in the car. Any anger on your part for being stopped, whether you think it is justified or not will not help you.. Stay calm so you can help yourself as the event unfolds. I experienced full felony stop by US Marshalls, in handcuffs on my knees. They said my name wrong I made sure to correct. Ihaddame motorcycle, same color hair and beard as their fugitive. I came out apartment building where the fugitive’s girlfriend lived. Same end corner of building. MY friend I visited there was on first floor fugitive on third floor. While one Marshall called in my license, the other Marshall was with me on opposite side car. He was going through my billfold, dropped my social security card. We both looked down as it feel at my feet. I said “leave it there, II can get another card” If he bent over to get card his partner could have seen movement and shot me. You can’t think, help yourself if your busy being mad.


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