People in the News

People in the News

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Business owners invited to Midtown Express Task Force Meeting, Nov. 16

MIDTOWNSouthGate Constructors, the lead contractor for the Midtown Express project, will host its next Business Owner Task Force 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, Nov. 16 at its Field Office, 2220 Chemsearch Blvd., Suite 100. Any businesses or business representatives along or near the Midtown Express Corridor are invited.

The meeting is intended for business owners along the Midtown Express corridor to learn about upcoming traffic impacts, as well as ask project experts questions about construction near their businesses. This meeting will focus on the businesses in the City of Irving, as well as upcoming traffic changes.

Parking is free on the northwest side of the SouthGate Field Office. Participants should contact the Midtown Express Public Information team at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting with translation service requests.