Saturday, July 6, 2024

Tips to winterize your fire protection system

As the weather gets colder, McKinney Fire Department (MFD) is warning of the risk of freezing pipes in fire protection sprinkler systems. When the water inside pipes freezes, it expands and pushes against the walls of the pipes with enough force to rupture them. If the pipes burst, severe water damage could occur when they thaw.

“It’s easy to forget about wet pipe sprinkler systems in north Texas since we don’t frequently experience extreme cold, but it is a very real risk if you don’t take the time to maintain your system,” said Chad Nester, Graduate Fire Protection Engineer. “Pay special attention to the north and west sides of your building as these are the sides that typically experience the strongest wind gusts and coldest temperatures.”

Follow these simple instructions provided by MFD to prevent water damage, expensive repair costs and inadequate fire protection as the weather begins to turn.

  • A thorough inspection is the first step to preventing sprinkler freeze-ups
  • Keep cold air out. Be on the lookout for areas in your building that could let cold air in and increase your risk of freezing pipes. Broken windows, thin insulation, cracked walls, and exposed roof areas are a few examples.
  • Be sure to keep windows, and doors closed when not in use for entering and exiting your building.
  • Riser rooms and all other areas with sprinkler piping, are required to have a space or unit heater to prevent freezing. Inspect heaters to ensure proper working order and maintain a least 40 degrees at all times. All water-control valves should remain open.

If something does go wrong, contact a repair specialist. It is important to act fast if a problem occurs with your sprinkler system to prevent major damage to your facility.

Proactive thinking will cut down on costly damage as well as repairs, and it will help keep tenants and property safe all winter long.


  1. I like the recommendation to make sure the piping doesn’t freeze in the first place. It makes sense that with something as important as a fire protection system, preventative maintenance is important. It’s something I’ll have to remember when having one installed to make sure that it works in the case of an emergency.

  2. I really like what you had to say here about making sure that your fire protection system will work in the winter. Since my girlfriend and I just moved into a new home, we definitely want to make sure that everything will work if there is a fire. As you explained, a thorough inspection would be the first step to making sure that your sprinklers will not freeze-up in the winter. Thanks again!

  3. Of the things that you said, what I liked was the part about checking the areas of the building for possible drafts because those can increase the pipes’ chance of freezing. I know that if those pipes ever froze, then the fire suppression system will not work either. That is why I will give the building a check. After all, we intend to have a suppression system soon, and I know it can get extremely cold in our location.


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