Thursday, September 26, 2024

Full day Pre-K bill proposed by Rep. Eric Johnson

Preschool students learn about cooking. (Image: Flickr Seattle Parks)

AUSTIN – Representative Eric Johnson (D-Dallas) recently filed House Bill 2282, a bill that would fund high-quality, full-day pre-K for qualifying school districts through the existing school finance formula.  In order to be eligible for the funding, pre-K programs must serve economically disadvantaged children and adopt national best practices for improving educational outcomes.

“There is no doubt that full-day pre-K works,” said Representative Johnson.  “It is just a matter of when Texas will stop dragging its feet and commit to doing what is right for the children of this state.  Our state leaders need to stop playing politics with our most vulnerable children and fully fund a high-quality, full-day, formula-funded pre-K program now.”


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