Saturday, June 29, 2024

IFBB Pro Bikini Athlete Dianna Forsberg Shares Tips to Rejuvenate the Body, Mind and Soul

Dianna Forsberg is an IFBB Pro Bikini Athlete, international fitness model, fitness spokesperson and health and wellness enthusiast. (Courtesy photo)

September is Self-Care Awareness month, a time to remind us all that nurturing ourselves is essential to overall happiness and well-being. Dianna Forsberg, IFBB Pro Bikini Athlete and health and fitness enthusiast, knows all too well the importance of carving out time for self to refuel the body, mind and soul. Amidst a recent divorce and corporate layoff, the 43-year old decided to focus on self-care by coming out of a four-year competitive fitness hiatus to begin training for the “Masters National Championship” fitness competition recently held in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Her keen focus and commitment to transformation paid off, earning her a first-place win in the “Bikini over 40” category and reaching her long-term goal of receiving an IFFB Pro Card.

“Regardless of what you may be facing, it is imperative to unapologetically focus on creating your best self by concentrating on your strengths, goals and the many things that are going right in your life,” said Forsberg. “ A good self-care routine begins with making the decision to be better and then setting and sticking to measurable goals that will keep you accountable as well as give you something to look forward to along your journey.”

Forsberg has overcome many obstacles and offers the following self-care tips to get fit and healthy, while rejuvenating the body, mind and soul.

Get Moving – High intensity physical activity is a great way to get the blood flowing and increase your mood. Don’t think exercise, think fun activities. So, from Zumba and Cycling to Martial Arts and Rowing, choose an activity that can give you a good workout, while also having some fun.

Get in the Kitchen – What you feed your body will determine how you feel, so get rid of all junk and processed foods and instead, feed your body foods that grow from the earth. Think fruits, vegetables and seeds. You should also be eating at least three meals a day, having two small snacks and remaining hydrated with plenty of water. Be good to your body and it will be good to you.

Get Your Mind Right – Self-care starts from within, so it is important to make time to be alone with the many thoughts that are running through your head. A great way to do this is enrolling in a yoga, tai chi or Pilates class. If going to a new class scares you, invest in some mind soothing apps, DVDs, or subscribe to a fitness YouTube channel. It is imperative that you connect the mind and body on a regular basis.

Get to the Spa – From facials and massages to mani/pedis and saunas. A monthly trip to a spa is a great way to get away from the stresses of life. Nowadays, many spas have day passes and affordable memberships, so instead of getting that daily cup of coffee, use those funds for a monthly spa escape. Treat yourself because you deserve it.

Get Your Friends Together – There is nothing better than having a group of you closest friends together to reminisce, laugh, cry, talk, toast AND to work out together! Swapping out a cocktail for a glass of wine is ok, and why not meet at a local trail for a run or go biking around a lake. It is a great way to catch up, while getting a good work out in.

Get to the Book Store – There is a great peace that comes from walking through a book store and library. Visit the nearest one and find some self-help books that can help you deal with issues that may be personal to you. There are so many resources and just the act of being quiet, reading, reflecting, and self-evaluation does wonders.

Get Some Rest – So many of us take getting enough sleep for granted, however it is so important to get some much-needed rest. Sometimes, simply taking a nap in the middle of the day can recharge you, taking a day off from work, and going to bed early enough so that you wake up rested and rejuvenated. There are so many soothing night time routines like listening to soothing music and sipping on calming tea that can help you set the mood for some getting the sleep that your body needs.

An IFBB Pro Bikini Athlete, international fitness model, fitness spokesperson, entrepreneur, and mother of a two-year old toddler, Forsberg wears many hats. Throughout it all she maintains her commitment to empowering others to reach their full fitness potential through health and fitness tips. Thus, she will be the featured health and wellness speaker at the “Ambitious Women Conference” taking place Oct. 12 – 14 in Dallas. To learn more about the conference, please visit To learn more about Dianna Forsberg and her health and fitness tips, please visit


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