Thursday, June 27, 2024

SN Bryce Clay

By Rick Burke
Navy Office of
Community Outreach

MILLINGTON, Tenn. – Sailors help maintain America’s advantage at sea. This means they do not always get to celebrate holidays with their loved ones. A Rosenburg, Texas, native serving in the United States Navy will celebrate the holidays with their fellow sailors deployed aboard USS Lake Champlain.

“What the holidays mean to me, is spending time with the people that have your back during the lows and happy for you, when you are at your highs,” said Seaman Bryce Clay. “The gifts are nice and everything, but the presents is what matters most. I remember when I was in the third grade going to Thomas Elementary and my family hosted Christmas at our house. It was no feeling like it. I got the new Wii plus Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympics, and after everyone left, we had all the left overs.

Clay wants family back home to know they are missed this holiday season.


SN Bryce Clay

“Ty, keep stacking your coins, your idea is going to boom,” said Clay. Travis, hit this football offseason hard and remember hardwork pays off. Taylor (Skinny), I’m happy you made the volleyball team and I also heard your modeling is going great, I’m happy for you. BJ, you personally impressed me with your art. Keep it up and work hard this offseason, I’ll be watching. Meme, I’ll be home soon to get that car out of your driveway. I love and miss you, I’ll be home soon.”

As a member of the U.S. Navy, Clay, as well as other sailors, know they are a part of a tradition providing unforgettable experiences through leadership development, world affairs and humanitarian assistance.

“Serving in the Navy means a lot of “securing for sea”, a lot of early days and late nights and a lot of reminiscing in the past,” added Clay. “It is the ultimate sacrfice. I wake up every day in the middle of the ocean knowing I’m part of that one percent serving their country.”


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