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 The African American Consumer, Loyal, Growing, and Still Under Valued!

The National Publishers Association commissioned Nielsen to do a study about the African American Consumer. The study spanned 3 years and affirmed the missed opportunities by many advertisers who are not actively marketing to the black community. African Americans make up 13.8 % of the population and about 47% are under the age of 35 years old. Just as in many communities marriage in on the decline. Heads of households are many times women. These factors and many other profile changes should be considered when developing both marketing strategies and advertising messages. 75 billion dollars was spent by advertisers in 2013 and only 3% of those dollars were targeted directly to the African American consumer. Wal-Mart was one of the 3% who said yes to the African American consumer.

“Advertisers still feel they can reach African Americans through General Market messaging. The study showed this is not true.”

Advertisers that actively market directly to African Americans have positive sales growth and brand loyalty. Some Consumer Facts To Remember Below: l Buying power is currently over $1.1 trillion annually and projected to be at 1.3 trillion by 2017.l The number of African American households earning $75,000 or higher grew by almost 64% between 2000 and 2009. This continued growth in affluence, social influence and household income will continue to impact the community’s economic power.

African Americans’ annual retail spending or “Basket Ring” is 87% of Total Market retail spending. Their average annual household income accounts for 70% of Total Market average. African Americans are spending 30% more of their average annual household income at retail (13%) versus the Total Market (10%). 59% of the African American women surveyed expect companies they shop to give back to the community in meaningful ways. “Advertisers still feel they can reach African Americans through General Market messaging. The study showed this is not true.”

African American women tend to be the primary decision makers for most household buying decisions. Marketers should be utilizing advertising messages and images that appeal to them.

  • The percentage of African Americans attending college or earning a degree has increased up to 44% for men and 53% for women.
  • African Americans make more shopping trips than all other groups, but spend less money per trip. African Americans in higher income brackets, also spend 300% more in higher-end retail grocers, this is more than any other high income household.
  • African Americans spend 18% of their annual retail dollars on store brands, private label items. Disposable diapers, milk, pet food, paper products, and vitamins, are just some of the products preferred by African Americans.

Our media kit will provide information on the 10,000 audiences we reach each week and what we can offer to provide your print marketing solutions. We hope you will allow us the opportunity to help you achieve your advertising goals.

Audience Overview

•  Average Age 41

•  44% Male/56% Female

•  85% African American

•  10% White

•  10% Hispanic

Advertising Packages:
  • Marketplace Rates for Small Businesses
  • Career Opportunity- Help Wanted
  • Legal Notice Ads
  • Advertising Agencies Special Rate
  • Regional Corporate Rates
Please contact our Marketing Department at 972-432-5219 or fill out the form below.

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