People in the News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

People in the News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Open Letter to President Barack Obama

On October 11, 2007, NDG published a story on Mr. Ray de Beasley and the creation of his Identity Theft Management System (Cover Story: UT-Dallas Proposes to Develop Inventor’s Identity Management System, page 9) that would guarantee that only legitimate U. S. residents receive and use Social Security numbers that are issued by our Federal Government. The following ‘open letter’ to President Barack Obama is a follow up story on our first printing about Mr. Beasley, his new partnership and the jobs that are expected from this project, which will be printed in NDG’s Classified section in the future for the benefit of our readers, family and friends

September 9, 2009

The Honorable Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

Re: Effective Identity Management
       $50 – $85 Billion Generated Annually For SSA Program

Dear Mr. President:

My name is Raymond D. Beasley.  After seeing the partisan attack against your Back-to-School message to encourage our youth to stay in school and not fail themselves or their country, I decided to come out of the shadows to report to you how obtaining a higher education in prison provided me with opportunity today.

In 1981, I obtained an athletic scholarship to University of Houston.  While excelling in football, I was also a track State Champion in the shot-put event.  I attended one year of college, dropped out and became a drug dealer.  In 1991, I was convicted and sentenced to 99 Years and given a $1,000,000.00 fine. 

While on bond, I was introduced to individuals in Dallas, Texas operating a check cashing and check fraud ring.  For my drug charge, I needed quick money and a new way to make it.  What seemed like an instant opportunity to criminally participate in the check-cashing ring, turned into my ability to master the art of creating new financial bank scams.   Prior to identity theft being officially established as a name for the illegal use of other people’s personal data, I became a quick study of bank laws, the procedures of banks, checking cashing businesses and how checks were processed.

In prison on the drug charge, I started an ‘In-Prison Think Tank and Research Project’. The purpose for research was the need to make determinations as to why my criminal capabilities were so easily created and successfully operated against banks and businesses.  Over a nine-year period, several hundred convicted criminal minds were interviewed for obtaining numerous common denominators, which lead to the success of financial crimes.  By 1996, my research required that I obtain Computer-Programming skills to understand the capabilities of software and computer hardware.   It was then that my future changed for the rest of my life.  As a convicted prisoner, I enrolled in the College Education Program provided by The State of Texas.

President Obama, financial expertise knowledge combined with obtaining a higher education has afforded me the creation of a positive future.    The facts as to where I am today as a member of society and what I offer my country is well reported in several news reports.

Please Google me as listed below:

Ray de Beasley Joint Venture
Ray de Beasley Inventor
Ray Beasley Ex-con
Cyber Security: Latest Trend in Economic Development
Hit open the Solution Tab.  Please read The de Beasley Brief in its entirety.

Mr. President, without violating any civil liberties of the American people, there is a way to effectively protect the issuing and the use of the federal Social Security Number (SSN), where the SSN could be legislated for legal use as identity.   Sir, by way of a created subsidized corporation, there is a way that the SSA could create a for-use fee, when governments use the SSN and also when the SSN is used commercially to establish consumer accounts.

Knowing that you are a quick study, please permit me to present you with a known fact.  In 2008, FDIC protected banks lost over $50 billion to fraud.  Although not protected by taxpayers, many other commercial industries lose hundreds of billions to fraud annually.  This includes the Health Care Industry. Frauds that start with the request and use of the SSA owned and issued SSN to establish consumer accounts.

If a federal subsidized corporation was formed and the banking industry paid $10.00 per-use of a citizens SSN (to establish a for-profit consumer account), the ‘for-use fee’ would cost the entire banking industry less than half of what is lost to criminals and that is repaid by taxpayers.  Combine the fact that providing a deterrent that will deter criminals from attempting fraud and identity theft, to effectively management the issuing and the use of the SSN will save local, state and the federal government tens of billions of dollars annually from having to investigate, adjudicate, probate, incarcerate and from monitoring offenders once released on parole.

President Obama, within a few years, it is reported that GAO expects the SSA Program to run out of funding; this is the case sir, when trillions of dollars are earned off transactions from commercially established consumer accounts that exist by and because of the free use of a government owned and issued number.  For less than a dollar a month, B-Security System Identity Management System (software) can effectively put the federal government in the position of verifying the use of the SSN when used as identity.

Fraud and identity theft negatively affects our economies.   When victims of identity theft have their good names destroyed they lose credit ratings that affect the ability to obtain goods and services.  Likewise, fraud alerts prevent impulse shoppers from making purchases.   A government provided effective identity management of the use of the SSN would eliminate the need for fraud alerts.

Taxpayers of all political affiliations have a serious concern about an increase in taxes.  Creating a ‘for-use’ fee to commercially use SSNs to generate profits will not be considered a tax.  Likewise sir, the capabilities provided by the federal government’s subsidized corporation to entities, will make the IT Security Solution and service free to and free for the American people. 

Mr. President, solving fraud and identity theft will also deter illegal immigration.  If the practice of becoming an illegal immigrant involves the use of an illegally obtained American SSN, such practices will be a thing of the past when an effective Identity Management System manages SSNs.  I have discovered the algorithm that will provide the method for system capabilities to deliver the innovative technology that will secure our nationally accepted identifying number.  Once the SSN is nationally protected from domestic and international financial criminal attacks, the capabilities will also provide a needed tech fence.  Innovative technology that will force immigrants to comply with current and future immigration rules, laws and programs that would promote documented existence while residing and working legally in the U.S.

Mr. Tom Hill, S.E., Senior Fellow Electronic Data Systems (EDS) in Plano, Texas,  provided a technical review of the B-System Identity Management System.  The review  determined that the B-System solutions would create over 200,000 jobs.  Add the fact that a subsidized corporation will have to be established with regional offices throughout the country, solving fraud in the U.S. could easily create 225,000 permanent new jobs.  This does not include the fact that over 60 million retailers and merchants will require new compatible hardware for at the Point-Of-Sale consumer transactions. 

President Obama, when the United States made the decision to enter World War II, the country was forced to mobilize for war.    In the 1920s the needs of the War Department represented the bulk of requirements for a war production program. The supporting mobilization plans for raw materials, labor, power, fuel, and transport, as well as the associated development of economic controls, were seen as derivative functions.  Mobilizing for WWII stimulated local, state and national economies.

Solving fraud in the U.S. will create a need to mobilize numerous divisions of production.  This will include equipment that will have to be manufactured: assembled, delivered, leased, installed, and repaired as needed. 

The question Mr. President is what’s needed in order to start us towards economically benefiting from solving fraud?  As reported in the Sunday, August 30, 2009 Dallas Morning News report, B-Security System is in need of a working prototype that can be demonstrated to Mr. Tom Hill.  Once effectively demonstrated, Mr. Hill is quoted in the report as saying, “I will recommend the application to the EDS Corporation”.  With EDS on board, the ability to lobby Congress towards creating change will exist for the management of the Federal SSN.

Using a Biblical analogy, there was a man that was thrown in prison for a crime that he did not commit.  While in prison, he successfully interpreted dreams of two men that were thrown in prison by Pharaoh.   Once released, when Pharaoh was having dreams that his cabinet could not interpret, the former prisoner remembered the man in prison and his special ability of interpreting dreams.   Humbly, the Pharaoh sent for Joseph.  Blessed with God’s favor, Joseph interpreted the Pharaoh’s dream and all of Egypt was saved from a seven-year famine.

I am your modern day Joseph, I can provide the innovative technological solution that will provide national security and the solution to fraud within the homeland.  Fraud and identity theft has created famines within American’s Society.  National security wise, people living in caves in countries that hate us, know all that is needed is an American SSN and they can live amongst us while planning to kill Americans. 

When the Dallas Morning News made me a cover story on May 11, 2008 (Ray Beasley Ex-Con), I made a comment in the last paragraph that holds true today.  I was asked what is it  going to take in order for b-System to become a reality?  I ended my interview by stating “I have not met the right Pharaoh yet.”

Finally sir, I made the decision to better myself that would increase my chances for not returning to prison.  Prison offered college education programs and provided me the opportunity to obtain a higher education.  Without basic computer skills, I could not use the computer to type you this letter.  

Education helped me to become an asset to my country.  I have a great sense of pride each month when I make my reimbursing payments to the State of Texas for an education provided to me when I was in “my hell and getting myself together.”  Education is the best means to reduce recidivism.  Education can provide hope for the hopeful.

Thank you for your time.

Sincerely yours,

Raymond D. Beasley
Chief Creating Officer
bSecurity Systems, LLC
P.O. Box 202210
Arlington, TX 76006
214-988-5418 Ext. 2


  1. Barack Obama is not only a charismatic president but he is a very intelligent and smart person too. I congratulate him for winning a Nobel Peace Prize .

  2. Engrossing piece. The article was to the point and just the information I was looking for. I can’t say that I agree with all you mentioned but it was unquestionably intriguing! BTW…I found your site through a AOL search. I hope you’ll permit me to post a link to a site relevant to the Obama quote discussed in your article. I’m a returning visitor to your blog and will return againsoon.

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