By Tonya Whitaker
NDG Staff Writer
Lena Baker may not be a familiar name to most of you, but by the time you read this piece you never forget her tearful story.
Baker was one of the many victims of the racial hate found in the south prior to the Civil Rights Movement, and, just in time for Black History Month, her story is available for all to see on DVD.
Hope and Redemption: The Lena Baker Story is a heart-wrenching docudrama based on the true story of an impoverished and uneducated black woman’s struggles in Cuthberth, Ga. Baker (played convincingly by Tichina Arnold of Everybody Hates Chris and Martin fame) was convicted of murdering her abusive white employer, Elliot Arthur (Peter Coyote). Although the shooting was an accident, the facts of the case were not properly presented. Even if the facts were laid out, she did not have a chance in the trial. Lena Baker was tried by a jury of 12 white men.
The trial and deliberations lasted four hours. She was sentenced to death by electrocution in Georgia, the only woman ever put to death by

electrocution in Georgia. Lena Baker, the mother of three children, was just 44 years old when she died in 1945.
Baker’s story did not end with her unjust death. In 2005, 60 years after her execution, the Georgia Pardon and Parole Board granted a posthumous pardon, ruling that a “grievous error” occurred when she was denied clemency.
“I believe she’s somewhere around God’s throne and can look down and smile,” said Lena Baker’s grand-nephew Roosevelt Curry.
Lena Baker’s redemption continued on Jan. 12 when a headstone dedication was held at the Mount Vernon Baptist Church in Cuthberth, Ga., where Lena Baker worshipped.
The mother-daughter dynamic of the movie was significant to Baker’s redemption. Despite Lena’s previous arrest for prostitution and Lena’s decision to continue to work for Arthur despite his mistreatment, Lena Baker’s mother, Annie Baker (Beverly Todd), placed all in God’s hands and stood by her. Their relationship is the ultimate display of a mother’s unwavering love for her offspring.
“This movie is a powerful piece. People today can learn from Lena Baker’s struggle and stories,” Arnold told Fox 5 in Atlanta last March days before the theatrical screening of the movie. When this movie was premiered, there is not a dry eye in the house.”
The Lena Baker Story was directed by Ralph Wilcox. The movie is rated PG-13 and runs 106 minutes.
I saw the movie Lena Baker story on11-20-2011. I kept saying what is the Lena Baker story so I kept watching the movie it Touch My Heart I felt so sad for the rest of the day. The man was no good, the jury was nothing but dirty men nothing but pale red necks. After sixty years they pardon her the woman is dead nothing will bring her back. In the USA it is ok for pale red necks to to kill black people the first thing the law will say it was justified. The pain I feel for her what she had to go through. I don’t call them white because they are not. Dogs will be treated better than blacks. There is still racial hate in this world today. Blacks people did not stand a chance there was no one for us. I thank the person that did this movie because I never would have known about this lady. I am Doris Thompson, Born August 11 1950 In Millen Georgia. Thank you again.
So sad.
I can only imagine how she felt as a mother. I feel soory for her babies 🙁 hopefully they will all be together again in heaven one day
This is the hurting movie ever Lina Baker did not shot that white man she was just trying to save herself from getting shot. Lina Baker was the first black women that ever got executed she did self defiance them white foks was not hearing her so everyone please donor try to kill someone they gone do it to u to……
Im glad they made this movie i never knew of lena bakor my mom bought the movie she told me to watch it so i did im glad i did this movie isstrong to watch i mean its sad to how rude the man was i mean i couldnt picture lena had to went throught that all for nothing she try to protect herself i mean its a shame how they did lena but itsnot her fault at all i now know of lena i liv the movue i simetime watch it over and over she a lengend as of 2013 rip lena baker
Yes! Absolutely powerful many lessons to be learned from her story portrayed in the film. Especially powerful endearing for me was watching the mother-daughter dynamic. Lena Baker’s mom displayed unconditional love, and she was there for her daughter! That was beautiful.
Sounds like it was a good story.
What a powerful movie!!! We as people no matter what race you are, should watch this movie. There is a powerful message to be learned from our past to our children’s future! We all need to take a long look in the mirror look at what you see make that CHANGE, today. Love sees no color, Love does not hate…Love is God!! He will see you through anything and everything, we just need to open our eyes and see. Thank you to the Baker family for teaching us the meaning of Love Faith and Endurance. I will share your story with my family
I just watched this movie for the second time. What a heart wrenching story. This story only shows the bigotry our ancestors had to live with. My prayer is that her children were able to forgive a sin sick world. Believe it or not the world seems to be headed back that direction. I shutter to think what will happen to the United States if Trump gets in office.