Thursday, July 18, 2024

NDG Gossip: Bobby Brown gets wasted in airport, passes out on plane

By Tonya Whitaker
NDG Staff Writer

Singer Bobby Brown has definitely got his priorities straight. On his way back from a family trip to Aruba, Brown decided to have some cocktails at the airport bar before boarding a plane back to Miami. When the time arrived from the reality star to board the plane, he was flat out wasted! Yes he did, right in front of his wife, Alicia Etheridge, and 2-year-old son, Cassius. Way to go dad! Sources told the Daily Mail that Brown – who claimed he has been clean and sober for six years – needed help from several family members to hold him up so he could get on the flight. Then, once they got Brown in his seat, he is passed out. Someone took photos of Brown, and was out like a light. Based on my assessment of the photo, I don’t know who was sleeping harder on the plane, Bobby or Cassius. So much for his sobriety claim.

Second wedding
Monica and her hubby, Shannon Brown, might have tied the knot in January, but now they are planning to celebrate their nuptials with family and friends. The couple is planning a July fare for those who were not privy to attend their secret wedding earlier this year. According to Young, Black and Fabulous, approximately 300 custom-made invitations were sent out for the second wedding. I pray that Monica is not suckered in to becoming a part of that Basketball Wives show. I want to think she has too much class to become a part of such a classless how. Although I don’t confess to be Gabrielle Union’s BFF, I applaud her from disassociating herself with the Wives. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that she follows Union.



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