People in the News

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

People in the News

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Black Sheep

By Nicole Scott

“Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies whom the Lord shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in lack of all things and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee” Deuteronomy 28:48

When reading this Biblical passage, one cannot help but wonder if it is referencing those of African descent. It seems wherever you find our people, be it North America, Europe, the Motherland or even the Holy Land we are the oppressed, the tail instead of the head.

Listening to the leading CNN, Newsweek and Primetime headlines about Israel might leave one surprised to learn Israel is one of the world’s leading metropolitan and technologically advanced countries. Israel has the second largest number of startup companies in the world and the largest number of NASDAQ listed companies outside of N. America. In 2010, it ranked 17th among the world’s most economically developed nations, according to the International Institute for Management and Development’s World Competitiveness Yearbook. It ranked first as the world’s most stable economy in the face of crises and first in rate of research and development. For a country only 63 years young, this is impressive. But, for all of its accomplishments and progress Israel has made remarkably little strides in closing the gap of racial inequality.

For those looking outside of Israel, when the word discrimination arises, most minds immediately revert to the conflict between Jews and Arabs. Quite naturally, since this is the primary focus by mainstream media. However, many are not aware and would be shocked to learn of the deep-seated intraracial discrimination, which has become so prevalent in Israeli society. Of course if most Israelis were asked, many would probably deny it. “What, me racist, my people suffered the Holocaust” — as if somehow being the descendant of those once persecuted provides an exemption from being capable of racism. But, all one has to do is check the history of Israel.

In 1996, blood banks throughout the state of Israel indiscriminately discarded all blood donated by Ethiopian citizens. News of this sparked outrage throughout the Ethiopian community. This continues to lead to the hesitance of many Ethiopians to donate blood. The motivation for throwing out the blood – – fear it was likely contaminated with AIDS. That was 15 years ago. Things have progressed . . . or have they?

Just two years ago, three Orthodox private schools in the city of Petach Tikvah denied 100 Ethiopian children admission. The schools claimed Ethiopian children require more time and funds than other children. The majority of Ethiopian youth attend religious state schools. Schools where many times the quality is sub par. Unfortunately, a standard that often defines the quality of life for the majority of Israel’s Ethiopian population.

Evidence racism in Israel has now become institutionalized includes a 2010 report by the Central Bureau of Statistics showing Ethiopians total approximately 105,000. This means Ethiopians comprise around 2 percent of the Israeli population. However, 47 percent of Ethiopian adults, almost twice that of other Israelis, do not participate in the workforce on any level. Only 38 percent of Ethiopian women participate as opposed to 68 percent of their counterpart. More than 90 percent of Ethiopian immigrants employed work in menial, low paying or manual labor type positions. The majority of Ethiopian immigrants who have professional degrees or degrees of higher education have trouble finding employment. Some suggest the disparity can be attributed to Ethiopians migration from what many consider a third world country and agrarian culture. However, Black American Jews have encountered the same racial barriers.

Aaron Stewart, a computer technician, worked for some of the leading hi-tech companies such as Texas Instruments in the United States. Stewart decided after almost two years of searching for a job within his field to return to the U.S.

“It was a hard decision but I couldn’t support my family. I had a lot of prospects. A lot of places would call after receiving my resume and sound really interested. They would tell me over the phone I’m just what they’re looking for but when I would get to the interview they would have a completely different demeanor.”

Jaclyn Scott, Israel’s first African-American attorney, even four years later is still struggling to find comparable employment. She recently registered with her local unemployment office for assistance to find work. However, they informed her the only job they could find for her was as a caretaker for the elderly paying 22 shekels an hour. That equates to about $6.00 per hour. Not exactly the salary someone with her credentials was expecting.

These are not isolated experiences. But, if one needs further convincing, simply walk into any bank in Israel, any school, any hi-tech company in Tel Aviv, Haifa or Ra’anana or any courtroom or law firm. There are no Black managers, principals, executives, lawyers or judges. In fact, the only Black faces seen are those pushing mops and brooms or occasionally a security guard. Anything more can be akin to a solar eclipse- – a rare and beautiful phenomenon.

From the Sea of Galilee’s city of Tiberias down to the Bersheva Negev, countless stories of Black American Jews recount similar experiences of not being able to find work in their profession. They share stories of instances where their children encounter racism within the school system.

This is something that I personally have battled with all of my sons. Phone calls to parents, meetings with teachers and the principal because once again my son was called “cushie”. It seems every country has its version of the word nigger. All the more reason for Blacks to disown this word – but I digress.

For Black American Jews, confronting this Jim Crow racism can be overwhelming. It is almost as if you have stepped back in time 50 years. Walking down your neighborhood street and stopped by one of your neighbors asking, “are you lost?” Answering the door to your home and asked if the owner or head of the house is available. Sitting in the lobby awaiting an interview and someone walk out, passes by looking back and forth never stopping to inquire if maybe you are the 9:30 appointment. This despite the fact you are the only person present. My all time favorite, “you speak really good English”. Wow, are you serious? That is somewhat reminiscent of Harry Reid’s explanation as to why Barack Obama could become America’s first Black president.

No Israel, like so many nations, has yet to cross its Rubicon of race. In 2011, the unspoken rule of law remains, “if you are Black get back.” Proving that Israel’s best kept secret is not that this tiny nation, roughly the size of New Jersey, is the world’s 9th leader in millionaires. Unfortunately, those same people who cry, “never forget” are actually perpetrators of the same oppression and bigotry they profess to be victims of.

No, this truth does not quite wash down well with a glass of King David but as we say in Israel- – “ma la’asot”- – what to do. It is what it is.

Nicole Scott is an NDG Contributor based in Israel. The sources she used for this story includes: Central Bureau of Statistics (Israel), Israel Association for Ethiopian Jews, Jewish Virtual Library