Thursday, June 27, 2024

Why your vote matters

NDG’s View

“He who does not move does not notice his chains.” – Rosa Luxemburg

The right to vote, is a privilege for which African-Americans fought and died.  This is hard to believe given today’s apathy and lack of involvement by our community, particularly our younger generations.  But in 1965 when the United States Congress passed the Voting Rights Act enforcing the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution it marked a pivotal point in the Civil Rights Movement.  Prior to President Lyndon Johnson signing the bill into law Blacks by and large had no political voice.  They had no say in deciding what laws their elected officials would enact to affect their everyday lives.  This was one of the main reasons for such a push by organizations such as Congress of Racial Equality or CORE and the Southern Christian Leadership Council (SCLC).  They understood without the law on their side, backing them, their fight could never be won.

During this era, the fight was clear, the tactics were overt, and our enemy was in plain sight.  There was no double talk or coded language.  White America had very strong feelings about keeping Black America oppressed and was not shy in vocalizing their sentiments.  There was no guessing where one stood.  You knew.

I have always argued this is a far better predicament than the current one we find ourselves in today.  See when you can spot your enemy and see from which direction they are coming, you know how to arm yourself.  You can prepare.  More importantly, you can defend yourself.

Today the enemy is hidden.  We do not easily see him.  We cannot easily recognize him.  He is even among us.  We have become so lethargic many of us do not even realize there is a fight.  We are not even aware of the assaults that are taking place on our liberties.  Those same liberties for which our ancestors and community were beaten, jailed and killed to obtain.

All across the U.S. voting rights are under attack by the Republican Party.  Legislation is being pushed by GOP Senators that would completely infringe upon your ability to exercise your constitutional right to vote.  Just recently Texas legislation requiring voters to show government-issued identification at polls was blocked by President Barack Obama’s administration. The law was under review by the US Department of Justice, who also blocked a similar law in the state of South Carolina in December.

In March of this year in the state of Ohio, the GOP attempted to circumvent voters the right to vote against harmful legislature.  In other words, laws, which would strip citizens of their rights, would not even make it to the ballot for citizens to be afforded the opportunity to vote against it.

In the state of Maine, Tea Party Republican Governor Paul LePage, with the help of his GOP allies in the Senate, were able to push through legislature reversing a 38 year old law enabling voters the ability to register to vote the day of elections.

In Colorado, Wisconsin, Mississippi and several other states strict voter identification laws are emerging which seek to target and affect people of color.  One must ask the question what here is at stake?  Why after almost 50 years is there such a tenacious attack on voting rights?  More importantly, how does this impact you and what is your role?

Exercising your right to vote is one of the most fundamental liberties in making your voice be heard.  Corporations and the super wealthy speak with their wallets.  We do not have that option.  Our only option is at the polls.  And it is not only our civic duty, but our responsibility as humans to stand and be accounted for, to not just have a voice but let that voice be heard.

As the old saying goes if you do not use it, you lose it.




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