People in the News

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

People in the News

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Public Transportation Linking East Texas to Dallas Now Available for Veterans

EasTexConnects, a transportation coordination committee administered by ETCOG, announces a new mobility program designed to give individuals in East Texas a way to get to the DFW area by using public transit options. EasTexConnects has declared Thursday, May 10, Interconnectivity Day and has partnered with veterans organizations in East Texas to offer “Basic Training,” an accompanied walk through of the program, to a group of 25 veterans giving them the chance to visit the VA Hospital in Dallas.
“We are currently targeting veterans with this program, because it eliminates the need to depend on friends or family to drive them two hours or more one way to Dallas for an appointment or an afternoon on the town, and get them there for less money than if they took a private car. Public transit systems are already in place, and can be used by anyone. Our Basic Training will show folks how to use public transportation,” said John Hedrick, Director of Transportation at ETCOG.
The kickoff event, which will feature the veterans traveling from several East Texas cities (Marshall, Longview and Mineola) to Amtrak stations, taking Amtrak to Dallas, and then DART to their Dallas destinations (stopping at the Dallas VA Hospital), and then returning to East Texas without having to ask anyone for a ride.
Amtrak Schedule for Basic Training
AM Departures                                 PM Arrivals
Marshall                 7:50 AM               Depart Dallas:            3:40 PM
Longview              8:28 AM               Mineola                       5:15 PM
Mineola                 9:25 AM               Longview                    6:15 PM
Arrive at Dallas:   11:30 AM             Marshall                       7:01 PM