Thursday, June 27, 2024

Irving City Councilman calls for investigation related to mayor’s comments in political advertisement

 Picture of Beth Van Duyne

Following Irving’s Mayor Beth Van Duyne comments published on a political flyer, City Councilman Dennis Webb is calling for an investigation into alleged wrongdoing.

Tom Spink is running for one of the city’s at-large city council seats. His opponent in the election on Saturday May 12 is incumbent Rick Stopfer.  On a flyer, which includes an endorsement of Spink by Van Duyne she is quoted, “I am confident Tom will help me finally put an end to the backroom deals and high-dollar payoffs from special interest groups.”

Van Duyne has rejected Webb’s call for more details and indicated her comments were related to private meetings between city council members and the private developers of the Las Colinas entertainment center. The project is expected to cost $252 million with funding a combination of taxpayer dollars and support from the private developer the Las Colinas Group.

Despite agreeing with Webb about the need for an investigation into possible wrongdoing by members of the city council members in a private meeting with the developers, Van Duyne has not provided any additional information or named any of the members.

City officials have indicated it is unlikely their suggestion will lead to an investigation. They view the mayor’s comments as a part of political rhetoric, according to City Manager Tommy Gonzalez’s response to the Dallas Morning News last week.  She is invited to submit a formal request through the proper channels.

According to Van Duyne, her comments were not meant as a direct accusation against any member of the council. Instead she was referring to the culture of City Hall.

Webb is concerned that unless this matter is clarified everyone’s reputation is tainted by such broad charges. As a minister and community leader, this is a serious allegation and Webb does not want his reputation or credibility impacted by innuendo.



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