People in the News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

People in the News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

What’s More Important In A Relationship – Being Right Or Being Loved?

Everyone has certain areas of life that don’t work. These areas of life may seem to be the problem, but they’re not, says author Bill Ferguson. They are symptoms of something deeper.  The moment you resolve this deeper, underlying condition, these areas of life begin to clear up. As a best-selling author of several books on life and relationships, Bill has been called “The Love Doctor.”  His most recent book is Get Your Power Back.

“When an area of life isn’t working, there is something under the surface that is creating the problem,” Bill explains.  “This condition makes us defensive. It destroys love and takes away our power. It creates a state of fear, upset and tunnel vision. It destroys our ability to find solutions and it forces us to act in a way that actually magnifies the problem.”

Every relationship and every area of life that doesn’t work can be traced to this underlying condition.  “Fortunately, this condition can be found and removed. The moment this happens, you restore your ability to see clearly. Solutions appear and this area of life begins to clear up.”

In his profound, yet easy-to-understand book, Get Your Power Back, Bill Ferguson shows step-by-step how to find and remove the destructive, underlying conditions that destroy love and sabotage our lives. The result is more love, more peace and a much more enjoyable, productive life.

As a former divorce attorney, Bill Ferguson decided to be a peacemaker rather than an adversary. As a result, 15% of his clients never divorced and the ones who did were able to part as friends. He showed his clients how to end conflict and restore love, not necessarily as husband and wife, but as one human being to another.

In 1985, he closed his law practice and devoted his life to showing people how to heal relationships, resolve problem areas, and lead happier, more rewarding lives. He has since been featured on Oprah and recommended by both The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. His approach to life has been called “The penicillin of psychology.” The Texas Counseling Association asked him to teach his concepts to over 2,400 counselors and therapists.

His book, How To Heal A Painful Relationship, has become a national best seller. He is also the author of Miracles Are Guaranteed. Bill teaches therapists and reaches thousands of people through his individual consulting and workshops.

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