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People in the News

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

People in the News

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Tuskegee Airmen will be honored with an exhibit at Frontiers of Flight Museum

Inez Clark

By Inez Clark

On Sunday, Nov. 11 at 2 p.m., the Frontiers of Flight Museum will unveil a greatly expanded exhibit about the famed Tuskegee Airmen, the black Americans who achieved a “double victory” over fascism in Germany and racism at home.  A prominent feature of the Museum’s World War II Gallery for many years, this expanded exhibit has been made possible through a generous gift by the Haddaway Foundation.   In partnering with Cheryl Sutterfield-Jones, CEO & President of the Frontiers of Flight Museum, the Texas Eagles for Aviation Mentoring (TEAM) under the leadership of Inez Clark has worked to create an event that will not only pay tribute to these great men, but will also give acknowledgement and appreciation to the wives of the Airmen for the immensely supportive roles they have had in their husbands lives.

Today many of these men are in their late eighties and early nineties.  With disabled and injured bodies and unfulfilled dreams, their greatest allies – their wives, in many instances were the only source of support that helped them over the years.

And so, five of the Airmen wives who live in the Dallas –Fort Worth area, have been chosen by William “Bill” Blair, Jr. Founder and Publisher of the Elite News, for its “2012 Women of Excellence” award and recognition. Mr. Blair will use this occasion to honor these women for the outstanding support, sacrifice and contributions that they have made to their husbands, families and communities.

TEAM is seeking financial support and inviting the public to join them in honoring these Airmen and the women that stood with them in their first annual “Celebrating the Legacy and the Ladies of the Legendary Tuskegee Airmen.”  There are several levels of support and for the first 50 contributors of $250.00 their name and organization name will be inscribed on a  plaque that will be prominently displayed on an easel next to the exhibit.  A significant portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Claude R. Platte DFW Chapter of the TAI, a 501- C3 organization formed to promote the Legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen.

For more information my phone number is (214) 364-1103 and my email is