People in the News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

People in the News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Black history spotlight for Nov. 30: J.A. Sweeting

On Nov. 30, 1897, a U.S. patent for a “Device for Rolling Cigarettes” was issued to black American inventor J.A. Sweeting (No. 594,501). A concave mantrel would carry tobacco while cigarette paper from a contained roll was turned around the contents, thus producing a perfectly and conveniently formed cigarette. By wetting a strip of the paper along the line of the roller with a finger, further turning of the mantrel would apply tension and separate the paper in a straight line. The wetted portion in contact with the formed cigarette wrapper would adhere to it and prevent unwinding of the wrapper.


  1. I wonder how much ( if any) money Mr. Sweeting made from the gazillions of pre-rolled cigarettes that were rolled and smoked by the world…and what happened to him and/or the money over the years…

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