DALLAS – Both houses of the Texas Legislature paused to recognize the work and witness of St. Luke “Community” United Methodist Church for 80 years of service to the city, state, and nation.
Members of St. Luke along with senior pastor Dr. Henry Masters traveled to Austin on March 19 to be in attendance for St. Luke Day at the Capitol. Senator Royce West read proclamations from the House floor by Rep. Helen Giddings and from the Senate. St. Luke Day at the Capitol served as the kick off for a year of reflection and rededication.
St. Luke was organized in April,1933 as St. Paul Mission to minister to the needs of the southeast Dallas community. After years of meeting in the homes of members, the church began worshiping in Duckett Hall in the Frazier Courts Projects.
Throughout its 80 years, St. Luke has been a church committed to serving the community and in the late 1970’s under the leadership of Rev. Zan W. Holmes, Jr., the word “community” was added to its name.
The celebration of the church’s 80th anniversary features activities throughout the year including a Community Cleanup, Church Picnic, and an on-going oral history project, Tell Your St. Luke Story.
The 80th anniversary worship service is scheduled for Sunday, April 28 at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m., with Rev. Gerald Britt, vice-president of City Square preaching.
All are invited to St. Luke as they celebrate 80 years of service to the community and Continuing Strong in the Lord. For more information, call St. Luke Church at 214-821-2970.