DALLAS – The Urban League of Greater Dallas & North Central Texas announced it will partner with the Be Covered Texas Campaign, funded by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, to raise awareness among uninsured Texans about how the new health care law impacts them and how to access individual health insurance.
Be Covered Texas is a grassroots campaign introducing uninsured Texans to the new health insurance options available under the Affordable Care Act. The new law expands health insurance to include more benefits for more people and is aimed at making coverage more affordable and available to the millions of uninsured Texans. The enrollment period for uninsured Texans begins October 1, 2013 and health care coverage starts January 1, 2014.
“We serve as a significant part of Dallas County’s community service providers due to our one-stop strategy. By partnering with Be Covered Texas, we are able to include educational information about new health insurance options that are available,” said Dr. Beverly Mitchell- Brooks, President and CEO of Urban League of Greater Dallas.
The League, one of 28 organizations partnering with Be Covered Texas, will host educational events, engage supporters through email campaigns and network with partners to help spread the word about health care options under the Affordable Care Act.
“We are proud to partner with Urban League of Greater Dallas & North Central Texas to provide educational information about the changing face of the health insurance marketplace,” said Bert Marshall, president of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas.
Be Covered Texas has ongoing outreach efforts and will continue to create partnerships with community and civic groups. The campaign includes a website, www.becoveredtexas.org that includes information about insurance coverage, benefits plan options, and important requirements of the new Federal health care law. As the deadline for purchasing individual insurance approaches, the website will help guide Texans through the enrollment process.