With all the different hats mother’s wear, sometime they forget to take care of themselves all while nurturing their family members. Mother’s even overlook reaching out and resolving their conflicts in their relationships. Many become overwhelmed and can literally emotionally drain them. Some of them are not clear on what to do.
Aerica Karriem will show how to apply the skills mothers already have to enrich and inspire all the relationships around them. Also, she will give share the Top 5 Conflict Resolutions Tips mothers can implement immediately.
Reservations are required, contact Nicole Samuel at 469-285-0876 to reserve your seat on May 11 for the free event.
Location: Downtown Library at 1515 Young St., Dallas (Must Pay to Park)
Date: Saturday May 11, 2013
Time: 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Cost: FREE (Seating is Limited)
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