By: Barry Curtis
The fundamental part of liberalism is big government. Liberals believe that government can solve all of our woes. If we simply pass a law, create a department to handle it and spend lots of money doing so, then and only then can we solve the problem, so liberals think.
If you tell big liberals what ails you, they will study it, tax it and regulate it right of out of existence. No matter if anyone else sees the issue as a problem, if it’s untaxed and unregulated then in the liberals mind it must be a problem.
Liberals use power, they crave power, that’s why many big liberals are even in government is to secure their own power and influence.
Liberals have learned that large intrusive government makes good politics. We need only look at the master of “big” government, Franklin Roosevelt. It was he that created the largest overreach of the US government in history. The “new deal programs” of the thirties showed liberals how a government that feeds, houses and employees a populace can naturally ask for their vote. Franklin Roosevelt was elected more times to the White House than any president in history. We saw an extension of that during the great society programs of the sixties. Free medical care and head start amounted to trust me politics. Because I give you free stuff buy into my political thinking.
When liberals end up with this large uninhibited government it becomes constitutionally corrupt, and cannot be trusted. The nature of big liberalism suggests that your personal needs come first, such as safety and schooling. Never mind that constitution and the core beliefs of our founding fathers.
When you subscribe to this low level thinking it’s easy to lead you and drag you any direction, it becomes easier for them to suggest that I should give up my personal freedoms for comfort.
President Barack Obama recently asked why do the conservatives dislike their government and don’t trust their elected representatives. That statement doesn’t surprise me. The president’s statements are purposely twisted to the left.
Our founding fathers instilled in us a freedom minded suspicious nature. We are inherently distrustful of an IRS department that is more concerned about political ideology than fairness. We are naturally suspicious of an FBI that seizes phones records of a free press on a grand scale.
I trust my government Mr. President. I don’t trust “big” government. The larger the government, the less I trust it. Please remember the old saying that “A government big enough to give you all you want is large enough to take all you have.”
That should come as no surprise to anyone.
I was wondering if Mr. Curtis has recently come out of a comma which has lasted more than 30 years?His tenuous grasp of history has me wonder if he is feeling all right.